Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 129:

  1. Facebook postings
  • DYS - C
  • CFA - C
  • GFWJ  - C
  • CES - C
  • St. B
  • other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - C
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner? C
  5. Scheduled: TWD - C
  6. Workout: CLX Fat Burn Challenge - C
  7. 15 min. in Zone
  8. CFA ( 2hrs.) - X
  9. Vitamin D supplement - C
  10. Track WW points
  11. BB #1: free bus. Cards
  12. BB#2: work on social media connections - C

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 128:

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS - C
·        CFA - C
·        GFWJ
·        CES - C
·        St. B
·        other:
  1. Vitamin D supplement
  2. Track WW points
  3. Update TDL on blog - C
  4. Update blog post
  5. Write tomorrows TDL
  6. What's for Dinner?
  7. Workout: CLX Burn 3
  8. 15 min. in Zone - C
  9. CFA ( 2hrs.) - Work TD's on IPAD!! (loving the Ipad!)
  10. BB #1: ?
  11. BB#2: ?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 127:

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS
·        CFA
·        GFWJ
·        CES
·        St. B
·        other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - C
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner? - C
  5. Scheduled: CFA Meeting - C
  6. Scheduled: TWD - C
  7. Workout: CLX
  8. CFA: Update Project To Do List - C
  9. 15 min. in Zone - C
  10. CFA ( 2hrs.) - C (actually 5 hrs.)
  11. CFA flowers (grab vases) - N/A
  12. Vitamin D supplement - C
  13. Track WW points
  14. BB #1:
  15. BB#2:
  16. Schedule school volunteer project
  17. f/u on scheduling babyshower - C

Day 126: Loving my Ipad

I am loving the new Ipad!! I am focusing on keeping my work to do's on a app called Awesome Note.
The Ipad is super cool and love how easy it makes accessing my email and facebook. Both things I need to do quite a bit. I do not need to log on to my desktop! Open and view!

I am also eliminating my paper calendar! Yes, moving to the electronic calendar!

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS - C
    • CFA - C
    • GFWJ
    • CES - C
    • St. B
    • other:
  2. Update TDL on blog - C
  3. Update blog post
  4. Write tomorrows TDL
  5. What's for Dinner? - C (left overs)
  6. Workout: CLX Burn Intevals - C
  7. CFA: Review Website
  8. 15 min. in Zone - C (More than that ...cleaned 2 bathrooms) - C
  9. Vitamin D supplement - C
  10. Track WW points - X
  11. BB #1: -X
  12. BB#2: - X
  13. CFA ( 2hrs.) (work off ipad to do list) - C

Day 124/125

Weekend! Got my ipad and learning how to use it. I am streamlining my to do list to purely via online vs. written. Working on that.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 123:

Friday the weekends here - Let's get up and give a CHEER!!

I got my new ipad in the mail. I spent a lot of time getting up to speed on it!

To Do List:

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS - C
·        CFA - C
·        GFWJ
·        CES
·        St. B
·        other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - C
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner? - C
  5. Workout: Rest day or work out . Up to me! - C
  6. 15 min. in Zone - C
  7. Vitamin D supplement - C
  8. Track WW points - C
  9. BB #1:
  10. BB#2:
  11. CFA ( 2hrs.)
·        write how to promote your SN - C
·        post edit vs. of above on facebook - C
·        f/u on emails - C
·        community board plan
·        call re: golf
·        vbs - put on schedule
·        begin writing Pirate Night
·        order for EE Hunt

Day 122: Keeping the Weekly List Working for Me!

The general weekly plan is going really well. Helping me to keep on track and work in the reminders I need!
I will continue to update my "weekly" as I work out the kinks. Having it in a spreadsheet that I can copy from and add my other to do's works great. I think my next step to optimize this will be to color code work to do items that have to be done today. I can complete those and move other items to the following day that are not urgent. I like to keep things on my radar by seeing it.

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS - C
·        CFA - C
·        GFWJ - C
·        CES - C
·        St. B - C
·        other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - C
  2. Update blog post - C
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner? - C
  5. Scheduled: TWD - C
  6. Workout: CLX Burn 1 - C
  7. 15 min. in Zone
  8. CFA ( 2hrs.)
  9. Vitamin D supplement - C
  10. Track WW points - C
  11. BB #1: free bus. Cards
  12. BB#2: work on social media connections - C
  13. CFA ( 2hrs.) (1 hr. so far
·        write how to promote your SN
·        post edit vs. of above on facebook
·        f/u on emails
·        community board plan
·        f/u on donations - C
·        call re: golf
·        vbs - put on schedule
·        begin writing Pirate Night
·        order for EE Hunt

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 122:

Wednesday To Do List - March 23
To Do List:

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS - C
    • CFA - C
    • GFWJ - C
    • CES - C
    • St. B - C
    • other:
  1. Vitamin D supplement - C
  2. Track WW points - C
  3. Update TDL on blog - C
  4. Update blog post
  5. Write tomorrows TDL
  6. What's for Dinner? - C
  7. Workout: CLX Burn It Off - C
  8. 15 min. in Zone - C
  9. CFA ( 2hrs.)
    • write how to promote your SN
    • post edit vs. of above on facebook
    • f/u on emails - C
    • drop off flowers - C
    • community board plan
    • f/u on donations
    • call re: golf
    • vbs - put on schedule
    • begin writing Pirate Night
    • order for EE Hunt
    • Brainstorm facebook #’s increase
  1. Review checking act. - C
  2. Read blog email followers - C

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 121: Getter Done!

To Do List:
Tuesday, March 21

    1. Write tomorrows TDL - C
    2. What's for Dinner? - C
    3. Scheduled: CFA Meeting - C
    4. Scheduled: TWD - C
    5. Workout: Rest Day - C
    6. CFA: Update Project To Do List
    7. 15 min. in Zone - C
    8. CFA ( 2hrs.) - C
    9. CFA flowers (grab vases - C
    10. Doctors apt. 11 - C
    11. Lunch with Girls - C
    12. buy flowers  - C
    13. put flowers together - (Wd. mornign to keep them fresher longer.)
    14. drop at CFA - Wed.
    15. Facebook postings
      • DYS - C
      • CFA - C
      • GFWJ - C
      • CES -C
      • St. B -C
      • other:

Day 120: Reworking the To Do List for me

Writing a To Do List everyday has helped me to be extremely productive. I have noticed myself procrastinating a bit and not being as thorough the last few weeks. I asked myself - why? and what can I do to keep it up and be move beyond just being productive.

I learned so much taking the Chalene Johnson 30 Day To Do List Challenge. Most notably - being sure that you put two small babysteps on your TDL that pushes you to achieve your push goals.  I have not been completely absent from working toward those goals - but let's face it the craziness of kids, activities, making dinner etc can overwhelm you and those things slide to the bottom.

Let me explain what I do for a living. First I am a stay-at-home mom. I had to bring in some income so I work part-time from home doing marketing work and an evolving business managing social media for companies. I have to really work hard at prioritizing my day so that I can balance the being the "stay-at-home" and the "work from home". When you have a computer sitting in front of you - its easy to jump on and just work.

I decided today to sit down and make a weekly to do list mapping out activities that I can schedule Monday - Friday. I can easily pull it up on the computer and fill in additional things for the day I need to accomplish.
I have now eliminated having to rewrite certain to do's and have created a more systematic approach to the week.  Whereas Chalene suggest only putting to do's on your list that must, must be done that day - I have to make mine a bit more extensive. I will star anything that is a must - but to stay productive for the week I have to spread out the to do's and work to get them completed each day.

A note on priorities. All my resolutions are moving forward. I feel like I have stalled on my financial plan. Admittedly not my favorite of topics but probably the most important. To date I have been working on ways to cut expenses. Sure that is a huge part - I have to look at increasing income. I am working on it and have some irons in the fire. It is a priority to get that credit card debt paid and a great safety net.

Monday, March 21
To Do List:

  1. Make Monday TDL - C
  2. CLX - Burn It Off - X (did not complete. decided to make it a rest day. felt so weak today. :( )
  3. What's for Dinner? - C
  4. Post TDL - C
  5. Post blog - C
  6. Facebook postings -
    1. CFA - C
    2. St. B - C
    3. DYS - C
    4. GFWJ
    5. CES - C
  7. CFA - To Do List
  8. CFA (work 2 hrs.)
  9. Spend 1/2 hr. cleaning out old papers
  10. BB business - what's next
  11. CJ - Day 3 30 day challenge (Review)
  12. Weekly TDL spreadsheet - C (but will continue to improve)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 118/119:

March 19 & 20
To Do List

  1. Sat. - CLX - Burn Intervals - C
  2. Sun. - CLX Burn 3 - C
  3. Guest over on Sat. - C
  4. Church - C
  5. Guest over on Sunday - C
  6. Grocery store - C
  7. Make weekly TDL -
  8. Download flylady week - C
  9. Review week calendar - C

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 117:

Friday, March 18
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals
  2. Pick up from CC - C
  3. Drop off at CFA - C
  4. Facebook Postings - C

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 116: The Workout

My health plan has been going so well. I have lost 17 lbs. - so I am a little over half way to my goal of losing 30 lbs.  I started my second round of ChaLEAN Extreme and it is going so well. I am lifting heavy and slow. Simply being stronger and having stamina will lead to a more successful Burn Phase of this program.

I would give myself a 7 on the scale of 1 - 10 in regards to eating. I have room for improvement. I started weight watchers several weeks ago. It is helping me to stay focused. I have so much going I slip when it comes to writing down what I eat. That is so important. What is the WW saying??...If you Bite It - Write it!
I am committing to writing it all down. I will see family in four weeks that has not seen me in awhile. I know for sure they will already see a slimmer toned me! I want to make it even more obvious! I am laser focused!

I have physical next week. I have never had high cholesterol - but very curious to see my levels after drinking Shakeology for the last 5 months. I last had my cholesterol checked in 2007. I will let you know the results!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
March 17, 2011
To Do List:

  1. Post TDL on blog - C
  2. Blog post - C
  3. Facebook Postings
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
    3. AASF - C
    4. CES - C
    5. St. B - C
  4. ChaLEAN Extreme Workout - C
  5. CFA -
    1. Brainstorm capturing emails (15 min.)
    2. Review and update TDL (15 min.)
    3. Donation request
    4. f/u with CM
  6. Bank deposit (CFA & BB Checks) - C
  7. BB Business - What is going? Create list of 10 things I can do next to move it foward.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 115:

Wed. March 16
To Do List:

  1. Meeting - C
  2. Tent (try and put it  up) - C
  3. CFA - SN Results - C
  4. Facebook postings - C

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 114:

March 15, 2011
To Do List:

  1. CFA Meeting - C
  2. Work from home
    1. CFA - C
  3. Pay Mortgage - C
  4. TWD
  5. Update Blog TDL - C
  6. WW - C
  7. F/u on check - C

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 113:

Monday, March 14
To Do List:

  1. Find sitter for Jo/Wed. - C
  2. CFA - C
    1. Order PO SN cards - C
    2. Prep for Ts. Meeting - C
    3. Review TDL and Update - C
  3. Facbook Updates -
    1. CFA - C
    2. DYS - C
    3. GFWJ - C
    4. St. B
  4. $ to St. B. for ad
  5. Schedule day for blood work
  6. Update calendar

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 111/112:

March 12 & 13
To Do List:

  1. Con't clean old files out - C
  2. CL 30 day challenge - Video 1 & 2 - C
  3. Put away laundry - C
  4. Sunday - CFA Project Cow - C
  5. Weekly TDL - C
  6. Monday TDL - C
  7. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn it Off (if knee is feeling better) & Burn 1 - C
  8. Hang with the family - C

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 110:

Friday, March 11
To Do List:

  1. Purchase Ipad 2 (hopefully!) - Heard there is already a line. Not waiting in line. I will get it next week.
  2. Con't CFA To Do's from Thursday - C
  3. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off
  4. Organize desk
  5. Facebook updates
  6. Take a mental health day! (once the above is done - I am done!)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 109:

Thursday, March 10
To Do List:

  1. CFA Meeting - C
  2. CFA
    1. f/u with Gambrills A. Club
    2. Order stuffed cows - C
    3. design SN cards
      1. AMS - C
      2. Nantucket - C
      3. 4S - C
      4. CES - C
      5. CMeadows - C
      6. CMiddle - C
    4. Order EE Hunt bag stuffer - C
    5. F/u on CC Fair
    6. Write up SN Check off sheet - C
  3. Facebook Post
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
    3. PTA - C
    4. GFWJ - C
    5. St. B - C
    6. MMTDL
  4. Update fb tdl - C
  5. Update blog post
  6. Email Mark re: DDDN - C
  7. What's left to do on taxes?
  8. BB business - what's next?
  9. Send B - Fb PP presentation - C (YAY!!)
  10. Touch base on BShower with Agnes - C

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 108:

Wednesday, March 9
To Do List:

  1. Pick up from CC - C
  2. Drop off to 4S and WC - C
  3. Concall with DYS - C
  4. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn 2
  5. Update blog TDL - C
  6. Update blog post
  7. PTA Meeting - C
  8. Finish SM PP and send to Brian
  9. Post fb
    1. DYS - C
    2. St. B
    3. CFA
    4. GFWJ

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 107: To Do or Not To Do That is the Question

Ok - there is lots to do! And not to do is out of the question. I have been diligent with my to do list and gettng more done than ever but I think I need to take a breath and focus so my list reaches beyond the everyday to do and really does focus on helping me reach long term goals. I have been wanting to retake the Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge. I think the timing is good. I will start tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 8
To Do List:

  • Stop by storage - need to pick up item for event. - C
  • Chalene Challenge - Day 1 - listen to video and homework - C
  • Spend 30 minutes tossing old papers from desk. (Command central is under attack by paper!)
  • Drop off at AMS by 11:00 - C
  • Meeting - C
  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals - C
  • WW - C
  • Write down WW points (I have nto been writging my points and that is when trouble strikes!) - C
  • Facebook Post
    • DYS
    • St. B - C
    • CFA - C
    • GFWJ
  • Wed. To Do List
  • Schedule sitter for next Wed. meeting - In-progress
  • Write outline for social media resume - Started....(finishing Wed.)
  • Update CFA to do list/projects (move to Wed.)
    • Schedule date to stuff 2000 eggs!

Day 106:

Monday, March 14
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn 1 - C
  2. Skate Zone with J (fun with friends) - C
  3. PTA facebook plan - C
  4. Facebook update:
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
    3. GFWJ -C
    4. St. B - C
  5. Update calendar with
    1. Spring break - C
    2. Visit to inlaws
  6. CFA
    1. Prep for meeting - C
    2. pull email for Gambrills - C
    3. Easter Egg Hunt to do's - C

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 105: The Weekend

Saturday/Sunday March 5 & 6
To Do List:

  • Wrap bday gift - C
  • Bday party - C
  • Vounteer at Art Auction -C
  • ChaLEAN Extreme Burn 1 (Saturday) - C
  • Exercise Sunday (either day off or time at the gym - up to me!) - Chose nap. Tired from last night and sore for Burn 1
  • Look at weekly to do
  • Make Monday TDL -
  • Send DYS invoice
  • Assign dates to new projects for compeletion
  • Church - C
  • Sunday (relax time - hanging with a neighbor) - C
  • Put dining room back together (we have been painting and remodeling - everything is dusty! - C

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 104: Meaurements!!

I took measurements today after completing my ChaLEAN Extreme Program!
Check out these results!
Weight: Start 173/Current 158
Waist: Start 37.5”/Current 34”
Hips: Start 43.5”/Current 40
Chest: Start 40”/Current 38”
Arms: Start: 13.5/Current 12
Thighs: Start 23”/Current 21
Abductors:43”/ Current 40”

TOTAL INCHES LOST!! 15.5 inches!!!

go to if you want to lose inches!
Contact me for info.

Friday, March 4
To Do List:

  • CFA
    • Follow up on SN request - C
    • Send out SN email
    • Send out SN checks
    • Make CFA TDL
    • Update website - C
  • Pay bills
    • School tuition - C
    • Verizon
    • BGE
    • Water - C
    • Misc. - C
  • Spend 30 min. on DYS - FB plan - C
  • Spend 30 min. on CFA - FB plan
  • Delete old emails (i am so bad at this) - C
  • Post TDL - C
  • Post blog thoughts - C
  • Update calendar
  • TDL for Saturday & Sunday
  • WFD (What's for Dinner?)
  • Put away all clean laundry
  • Update Facebook
    • DYS - C
    • CFA - C
    • St. B - C
    • GFWJ - C

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 103: Last day of ChaLEAN Extreme!

I finished my first round of ChaLEAN Extreme! I feel great!
Taking tomorrow off and then back to round 2! I treated myself to the extra workout dvds to mix it up. Can't wait to summer to show off my fit self!

I have to do my measurements. Will post soon!

Thursday, March 3
To Do List:

  1. Post TDL - C
  2. Schedule time to talk to Steph - In progress - C
  3. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
  4. Meeting 9:30 - ? - C
  5. Lunch with Little Girl & Friend - C
  6. Misc. f/u from meeting - C
  7. Volunteer work for school -C
  8. Rewrite workout goals - C

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 102: Confession

Yesterday I threw up a to do list that was "in my brain" late in the day. I did not write it down and my day showed it! I felt like I got nothing accomplished!!  Proof positive that writing down my TDL makes a HUGE difference in how productive I am.

Last night after the kids went to bed - I wrote down my TDL!

Wednesday, March 2
To Do List:

  • Post TDL - C
  • Blog update - C
  • Pick up 4S SN cards - C
  • CFA Event  - C
  • Thursday Meeting Prep - C
  • Email Ann - C
  • ChaLean Extreme - Lean 3- C
  • Text Chenelle - C
  • Facebook/Twitter update
    • DYS - C
    • GFWF* - C
    • CFA - C
    • St. B
  • Send Jack answer re: Kiwanas - C

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 101:

Tuesday, March 1
To Do List:

  1. Webinar on facebook 4:00 EST - C
  2. Flowers for CFA - C
  3. Pick up SN slips/calculate - C
  4. Drop off signs and SN slips to 4S - C
  5. Make Wed. To Do List
  6. Write SMedia plan for CFA
  7. Begin Volunteer project for school
  8. F/u with Ann
  9. Sat. Night - ? who is watching the kids