A bit about my home. I am definitely not a candidate for TLC "Hoarding Buried Alive" and not even Style Channels "Clean House" but I do need some help! I wish it was in my nature to be more like my Mother who always has and still does keep a beautifully neat home. I just did not inherit those genes. My sister did! I can learn and take babysteps to relieve my CHAOS (Can't Have Anybody Over Syndrome).
My secondary resolution pertaining to Home are:
- Keep a more organized and clutter free home by scheduling TD on my TDL everyday!
- Perfect my house routine and keep it out of CHAOS. (Flylady talk for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.)
Step 1: Keep Command Central Clean and organized (my desk).
Step 2: Use Flylady's basic routine to fine tune and develop my own.