Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 7: Time to Get Down to It

I have read my experts books and listened to their advice. Now it is time to get down to it and each day add a TD on my TDL that will get me to the resolution/goals I wish to achieve in my focus areas: finance, health and home.

I need to write down what those resolution/goals under each category. Up to now I have been jotting what I think those goals may look like. Here is the final list:

  1. Lose 30 lbs.
  2. Schedule Gyn appointment. (I know this one seems silly. I missed my apt. over a year ago and just got “too busy” to reschedule. That is ridiculous!)
  1. Make a budget. (Really…I have attempted this many times but never followed through. Crazy, I know!)
  2. Create an emergency fund.
  3. Start debt snowball. I have $9500 in Credit Card debt. I will pay it off this year.
  1. Keep a more organized and clutter free home by scheduling TD on my TDL everyday!
I am day 7 into my 365 Day TDL Challenge! I have 358 more days to cross the above off my list!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

To Do List:

  1. Work 3 hours. - NC
  2. Purchase ingredients for my contribution to Thanksgiving Dinner! (Carrot Souffle - I will post recipe later! It is amazing and easy!) - C
  3. Take back purchase from Target. (see if they have wire to purchase otherwise stop next store to Lowes.) - C
  4. Listen to Chalene Audio CD - C
  5. Post on blog! -C
  6. Go to Zumba class with neighbor. (Yes, I am going to exercise today!) - C
  7. Decide and complete school/soccer picture order. - C
  8. COTD (Carry Over To Do): Wash kitchen floor. - C
  9. COTD - Pay homeowners fee. -C
  10. COTD - Sign up for coach. - C & Ordered Shakeology

Always TD:
  1. What's for dinner? C - Green beans, Ham Steak & Rice.
  2. Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM - C
  3. Put new apt. on the calendar - C
  4. Clear Command Central (desk) - C
  5. Make Thursday TDL - C
Scheduled Activities:
  1. Zumba (9:30 am) - C
  2. Preschool Drop/Pickup - C

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