Back to a regular week! The children are back at school and I am back to somewhat of a normal routine. Other than having my husband home today!
I decided to do Chalene Johnson's
30 Day Challenge to get organized! I was going to post my 2nd assignment online yesterday but got a terrible headache and sent myself to bed.
I have already listed my goals under each of my tabs. As I mentioned in previous post - I am willing and able to learn from the best. I am going to reevaluate and maybe add or delete from those goals.
Assignment 1: Think about what is important to you? – Completed!
Assignment 2: Priority Brainstorm: List all the areas of importance to you in your life today. Things to consider: What makes me happy, gives me pride, what I wish to be remembered for at the end of my life, what do I want people to know was most important to me. Consider what makes me feel good about myself and gives me confidence.
· Family
· Financial Security
· Personal Achievement
· Health/Fitness
Leading a positive life
· Being actively involved and knowledgeable about our political system
Creative outlets
Maintaining friendships
*Marked the top five with a bullet.
Next, write down top 3 priorities in no particular order.
1. Family
2. Creating financial security for my family.
3. Achieving personal goals I have set for myself.
Rewrite the above list in importance to me:
1. My number one priority is family.
2. My number two priority is creating fiancial security for my family.
3. My number three priority is setting specific goals and seeing those goals achieved.
Take the priority you’ve listed as number one and complete the following statements:
The reason why I have placed the greatest importance on this area of my life is because: my husband, children and extended family make me happy. They fulfill my life with their love, smiles and just being.
I will honor my number one priority by vowing to do my best to always:
Put them first before meaningless time wasters and cluttering my life with unnecessary stress.
The following action(s) would be inconsistent with my commitment to my number one priority: not being present when I am with family because I am so concerned or stressed over what I have not been able to get done.
To live my life according to my number one priority I need to make the following changes: Be scheduled, organized and focused on building my stay at home business opportunities balanced with family time.
As details as possible, create a TOP PRIORITY STATEMENT:
My number one priority is to be present and activity involved in the daily lives of my family. To ensure a balance between being present in my family’s life and building my business. My goal is to ensure my children have a happy, healthy, safe home where they feel they are loved and supported and will grow to be confident adults.
Assignment 3 to post tomorrow!
Monday, January 3
To Do List:
- ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
- Post workout in Wowy Supergym - C
- Chalene Johson - 30 Day Challenge - 3rd Assignment - C
- Write resignation letter for project. - C & sent it! Amen!
- Find blue folder!! - C did not find it but got the info.
- Laundry Bust out!! (Everything washed and folded!) - C
- Reschedule Tuesday Morning meeting - C
- Take back clothes for hubby that did not fit. - C
- Schedule bday party. - C
- Dinner with Sister & Family (only in town 1 more day. :( )
- Email to set up conference with son's teacher - C
- Cooridnate the conference with hubby - In progress
- Drop Off and Pick Up at School - C
- Post TDL on blog. - C
- Write Tuesday TDL - C
- Send f/u email to Jimmy. - C
- f/u wth Volunteer Email - C
- Work - C (got in 1 hr. and secured another gig!)