Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 73: Getting thru the To Do's

Monday, January 31, 2011

To Do List:

  • Watch Chalene’s last video* - C
  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals!! - * - C
  • Make meal for Fran and drop it off - C
  • Send invoice to WU Mag
  • Update blog TDL* - C
  • Update blog post*
  • Write note to friends re: GFWJ*
  • CFA
    • Put donation request together - C
    • Deliver donations - C
    • Submit donation request to CFA
  • Update DYS f/b & twitter - C
  • Brainstorm DYS Weekly social media
  • Update St. B f/b
  • Update CFA f/b
  • Pull together donation for pickup tomorrow.
  • Write my top 10 goals (Schedule this to do in my phone) - C
  • Research the Ipad - C
  • Update weekly to do list. - C

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 71/72: Weekend Recovery

WANTED: Guest bloggers. As the year progresses I would love to feature other bloggers who are finding ways to achieve their goals. Especially in the areas of finance, health and managing the homefront.

For example:
Are you finding greats ways to cut the grocery bill?
Keep the house in order? or tackle a specific task that drives all of nuts?
Did you sample different to do lists applications and now want to weigh on the pro's and con's of that app?
Are you doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover? What challenges and successes do you want to share? Any great tips?
Are you a stay at home mom and have found ways to make money from home?
How do you balance family and working from home?

Share your story!

Please email me at


I started the Lean phase of ChaLEAN Extreme - Can I say WOW!? I am feeling it today!
It feels great to be sore! Today (Saturday ) is a scheduled day off. I had full plans to go to the gym to get in some extra cardio but my body said "No Way".  I am listening and will hit it hard again tomorrow!

Saturday/Sunday January 29 & 30:
To Do List:

  • Make an effective TDL for 365 Days that includes babysteps to my second push goal each of those day.

  • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home based businesses.

    1. Watch Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Video Callenge (Sat.)* - C
    2. Complete - Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Assignment (Sat.)* - C (always in progress)
    3. Watch Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Video Challenge (Sun.)* - C
    4. Complete - Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Assignment (Sun.) *- C (always in progress)
    5. Create folder for tax papers
    6. Update DYS on fb/twitter - C
    7. Dinner at Mom and Dads - C (and it was yummy!)
    8. Church - C
    9. Read nonprofit info.*
    10. Order business cards*
    11. Update GFWJ*
    12. Brainstorm the HOW of GFWJ*
    13. Pull getting started info and read off of beachbody site* - C
    14. Write weekly to do list*
    15. Write Monday to do lis*t
    16. Rewrite top 10 goals*
    17. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 2 (Sun.)* -
    18. Laundry - in progress
    *impacts my push goals

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    Day 70: Listen to your Body

    Today is one of those days I need to listen to my body. My body told me this morning that it needed rest. I woke up with a migraine. Luckily got rid of that but have had an upset stomach. Napped. Felt better and decided to push through my workout. Ugh! I completed it but  I should have taken the day off. My body was not fueled properly for the workout.

    Off to take another nap. My body is saying...I do not feel good. Please rest. Hopefully I can rid of this quickly so I can feel some energy tomorrow.

    Friday, January 28
    To Do List:

    1. CFA - Donation request
      1. rehab center - C
      2. O. El. - C
      3. Tammy - C
      4. other - C
    2. CFA -f/y with Lori
    3. CFA - essay
    4. CFA - update time sheet - C
    5. Make list of everything I need to pull for taxes
    6. Thank you notes: Mom & Dad, Dad & Dee, Linda
    7. Work on Zone 4 - 15 minutes
    8. What's For Dinner? - C (in the crock pot)
    9. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 1* - C
    10. Post TDL on blog* - C
    11. Post blog post* - C
    12. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video*  - C
    13. Complete Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Assignment* - C
    14. Review bb getting started guide and begin steps*
    15. Schedule on phone calendar reminder to write weekly goals.
    16. Update f/b
      1. DYS - C
      2. St. B - C
      3. CFA - C
      4. GFWJ - C
    17. Create DYS Twitter Account - C
    18. Create GFWJ Twitter Account*

    Thursday, January 27, 2011

    Day 69: The Momentum

    If you stick to your exercise and healthy eating plan you WILL see results. Believe me when I say this  - when you start to see those results and then others start to see and comment on your results the momentum builds and then you will begin eating even healthier and putting more effort into your workouts and might even just add an extra workout in your week!

    Just do it.

    Thursday, January 27
    To Do List:

    1. Meeting at CFA (pending weather) - C
    2. Review Getting Started Guide - Beach body* -
    3. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video* - C
    4. Complete Chalen Johnson 30 Day Challenge Assignment* - C
    5. Track WW - C
    6. Post on blog - C
    7. Post TDL on blog - C
    8. Post on DYS fb - C
    9. Post on Getting Fit with Joy Facebook Page - C
    10. Post on St.B fb
    11. Post on CFA fb - C
    12. Read CJ Blog Post - C

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Day 68: Hard work paying off!!

    Well - I don't really have a post today. My neighbor came down to enjoy a glass of vino and chat. It was very nice to do on my birthday! I am taking a day off of posting. I do want to share one thing.

    You all know how hard I have been working to get in shape! Today I am in the grocery store (I feel the staff practically know me I am in there so much) and the woman who works behind the deli counter (who I see a lot) says..."What the heck are you doing? You have lost so much weight!" I almost leaped the deli counter to hug her!! Made me feel fabulous!

    All the hard work is showing and paying off!

    Get to it!! Join my ChaLEAN Extreme 90 Virtual Fit Club Event!!

    Go to ChaLEAN Extreme 90 Day Virtual Fit Club for details!!

    Wednesday, January 26
    To Do List:

    • Review CFA PP one more time.
    • Spend 1 hr. on St. B
    • Update blog with TDL - C
    • Update blog post - C
    • Post DYS F/b - C
    • Update Getting Fit with Joy Event  - C
    • F/u with CFA Donation Request
    • Watch Chalen Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video - C
    • Complete 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
    • ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn it Off - C
    • ChaLEAN Extrem - Ab Burner - C
    • Enjoy the day - it's my BIRTHDAY!!! - C already enjoying b/c of all the great bday wishes!!

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Day 67: Time to Get Fit Baby!! My Plan for Fitness is Working!

    The stars have aligned and the march towards my health goals feel right and I am seeing major progress. What I love most about what I have chosen to do to reach these goals fits in so nicely with my lifestyle. I am not choosing a "quick fix" to drop 10 lbs in a week. I resigned myself in the beginning of this process that I did not gain the extra pounds overnight and they can't come off overnight.

    With that said - the health plan I am following is solid and I am seeing major changes that keep me motivated and moving forward. It is really by no accident the stars have aligned. All is in sync because I have made clear goals about how I want to be healthy and I have sought out resources to help me stay accountable.

    How am I doing it?

    Fitness Program:  ChaLEAN Extreme Program. (to purchase click HERE!)
    I am starting the 3rd phase of the program tomorrow! I am so excited!! This program fits in so nicely with a busy lifestyle. It is easy to follow and appropriate for all levels of fitness. Love it!

    Diet: Weight Watchers: I decided to join WW because it is such a sound program that does not promote a quick fix but rather eating healthy and making healthy eating a lifestyle. I am using their tools to help me focus on portion control and accountability. I no longer weigh myself at home. I go once a week for a weigh in.
    I weighed in today at Weight Watchers and I am down 4.6 lbs!!

    Fueling my Body: Shakeology - I drink Shakeology every morning for breakfast. It is so full of vitamins and nutrients. Shakeology has delivered on everything it has promised! I cannot believe how much Shakeology had reduced cravings. I KNOW that has helped me to follow a healthy diet. To learn more about Shakeology or to purchase CLICK HERE .
    Accountability: Find a friend who wants to get fit too! You will keep each other motivated and accountable.

    Be sure to join Getting Fit With Joy  and help keep each other accountable! I am just started this facebook page and appreciate you joining and telling your friends. I am going to pay it forward by helping others get fit and stay accountable!

    Tuesday, January 25
    To Do List:

    1. Call my brother - It's his Birthday!!!!  - C
    2. CFA - Plan POP Drop off and mailing - C
    3. Head to Weight Watchers - Time for a weigh in - C
    4. Finish CFA Marketing PP and send to Melissa
    5. Do 1+ thing of my weekly to do list - C
    6. Spend 15 min. in Zone 4 - C
    7. Update DYS f/b - C
    8. Have fun with my children = school is closed. - C
    9. Sign up for hootsuite* - C
    10. Synch up all accounts to hootsuite* - C
    11. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge * - C
    12. Complete 30 Day Challenge* - C
    13. Watch video re: Beachbody business - C
    14. Update blog with TDL* - C
    15. Update blog with post* - C

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    Day 66: Thank You Notes

    I have written about thank you notes in the past. It was my Mother who taught me the importance of writing thank you notes. I won't pretend I have always been good at this. I have not.  It was constantly reinforced during my upbringing and it stuck with me. I now I practice the art of the thank you note.

    If you have children, teaching them the importance of the hand-written (not a text or email)  thank you note will be a skill they will carry for life. Showing one's gratitude when others have been kind is a core value all our children need to understand. This value is vital to a happy and abundant life.

    Teach them while they are young! (Put it on your TDL - look for ways to say thank you!)

    Tips for Children's Thank You Notes:
    • Keep it simple: It does not have to be a long note. Your child can keep it simple and as their writing skills develop so will their thank you notes.
    • If you child can't write - Write a simple message for your child. Be sure to ask your child what they would like you to write. Make suggestions to them as to what is appropriate. This helps them to begin to understand the purpose of the thank you note.
    • Use blank note cards and let your child decorate the front of the card with stickers or draw a picture.
    • Have your child sign the card. If the child is learning to write make little dots so they can trace their name. If the child is too young to trace - simply give them the pen and let them make their signature mark!
    I will leave you with one thought. I read a book The Principle of the Path and the author (who is a minister) said he has parents come to him all the time when their teenagers are getting into trouble. They always ask him "How can we get God in my teens life?"  It is a lot harder at this point in their lives. If you want God in your child's life start while they are young. Show and teach them why God is important.

    This idea stuck with me. It translates into so many aspects of our children's lives. When they are a teen and acting ungrateful (which is bound to happen no matter how hard we work at gratitude) you will have comfort in knowing you have already planted the seed of gratitude in their minds as a young child. Keep reinforcing it. It will grow!

    Any habit we begin sowing while our children are young like eating healthy, manners, etc. will eventually take hold and grow.

    Monday, January 24
    To Do List:

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn it Off - C
    2. Respond to St. B emails - C
    3. Respond to school volunteer email - C
    4. Work on CFA Marketing PP
    5. Do 1+ thing off weekly TDL - C
    6. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video - C
    7. Complete 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
    8. Update DYS Facebook - C
    9. Send out DYS email* - C
    10. Create DYS Twitter Account - C
    11. F/u on Essay Contest
    12. Pick up extra CVS picture - C
    13. Get together goody bag for A - C
    14. Work in Flylady Zone 4 - 15 minutes - C
    15. Put away laundry - C
    16. Post TDL* - C
    17. Post blog post* - C
    18. Watch presentation on social media* - C
    19. Pick up CFA POP - C
    20. Rewrite goals - every Monday!!!

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Day 65: Have a great weekend!

    Have a great weekend! Stay warm if you are in one of the cold areas of the country! Which seems to be everywhere right now!!

    Pretty funny...just logged on to check email etc. I saw an interesting article on yahoo headlines.
    18 Things You Can Get Rid of Today
    Look at my #7 today! LOL!

    Saturday/Sunday January 22 & 23
    To Do List:

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals*  (Sat. & Sun.)* - C
    2. ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner* (Sat. & Sun.)* - C
    3. ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 3* - C
    4. Laundry Bust Out -
    5. Wash and Change all the sheets - C
    6. Con't toy clean out -
    7. Rid of 100 items - (I will let you know my final count!!) - C (and I lost much out the door. I went thru bins of old clothes and they are in bags to give to a neighbor and local charity!! Loads of old paperwork out the door!)
    8. Finish going through toys
    9. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Video (Sat. & Sun.)* - C & C
    10. Complete Chalene Johnson 30 Day Assignment  (Sat. & Sun.)* - C & C
    11. Review 30 Day Challenge videos Day 1 - 21* - C
    12. Work on CFA Marketing Plan
    13. Post TDL - C
    14. Print pics for J's friends - C (ordered from CVS..pick up today at 5:17) - C
    15. Work on weekly TDL - C
    16. Complete Monday TDL -
    17. Sign up for Platinum Presenters* - C
    18. Church - C

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    Day 64: Goal versus Skill - The Push Goal

    I have been diligent in doing my Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Assignments. I did get stuck on one of her ideas/assignments. The idea put forth: Is your push goal a skill? A skill is something you might need to achieve your push goal but in an of itself should not be the push goal.

    Arguably my push goal of making a to do list for the next 356 days could be considered a skill.
    I am leaving it as a push goal. My thought is this. How many people will give up after the 30 day challenge is over? How many people will be making their to do list 365 days from now? I would be there is quite a bit of a drop off. As I said from the very beginning. I know all my seconday resoltuion will be crossed of the list this year because of this one thing.

    With that said I rewrote the push goal: It's a good before and after!

    Before: Make a to do list for 365 days.
    Rewrite: Make an effective TDL for 365 Days that includes babysteps to my push goal and secondary goals each of those day.

    Less than 365 days from now I will be able to remove it from my list. I know making the TDL will be as natural as brushing my teeth.

    On a healthy note - I have book club tonight. I usually overeat! Not tonight. I am taking healthy food full of flavor so I don't feel tempted by the bad stuff!

    Friday, January 21
    To Do List:

    • Make an effective TDL for 365 Days that includes babysteps to my second push goal each of those day.
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business. 

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 2 - C
    2. Gym for extra cardio - C (did extra 40 minutes!!)
    3. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge* - C
    4. Complete Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Assignment* - C
    5. 2:00 Conference Call with Hillary re: Beachbody Startup* - C
    6. Post TDL - C
    7. Post on blog - C
    8. Book Club (Fun!) -
    9. Make book club food - C
    10. Buy bday present for party tonight - C
    11. Put on calendar training session at school - C
    12. Put on calendar Michele's girls bday party - C
    13. CFA -
      1. SN Cards for AHS - C
      2. f/u on print out of trays - C
      3. work on powerpoint
      4. f/u on essay coupons
      5. f/u with Jim on SN
    *To do helping me to get to my push goals.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    Day 63: Day 20 on my Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge

    I am day 20 into my Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge. This has really been a helpful challenge to make the most of understanding the to do list and maximizing that list to achieve my goals.  I am know the habit will be well ingrained by day 365 and simply part of my daily routine as is brushing my teeth.

    Today Chalene asked us to take a look at what quick thing we could to push us closer to our goals. What is it that makes us uncomfortable and keeps us from hitting our goals. My thoughts on the uncomfortable assignment  -- its a good assignment  and certainly one that makes you look in the mirror and get real. My assignment - is to stop second guessing myself and learning to be realistic with my time. How will I do that? Next time I take pause to "not do something" I will just say out loud "Stop second guessing and just do it." As for being realistic with my time. I believe the 30- day challenge is helping with that. I am still trying the get the swing of the daily vs. weekly to do. I think I am trying to pack too much in a day.

    What do you need to do move forward with your goals/dreams? My favorite motto - JUST DO IT!!

    On a side note - just to share -
    What a great day! I enjoyed celebrating my daughters 4th birthday with all her preschool friends at Micheal's Craft Store. The store did a fabulous job. What 4 yr. old doesn't like to get their hands dirty with paint and bling!? The children each painted their own picture frame and decorated it with bling. A birthday event at Michael's is recommended by this mom! Everyone had a lot of fun!

    Thursday, January 20
    To Do List:

    • Rise and Shine - have to get to Pre-school Registration - C
    • Grocery Store (need couple items for bday event!) - C
    • Make Tea Sandwiches for bday party - C
    • Pick up friend. - C
    • Birthday Party - C
    • Update DYS fb page - C
    • Make Friday TDL
    • Watch Chalene Johnsson 30 Day Challenge Video - C
    • Complete 30 Day Challenge  Assignment - C
    • Review past 30 Day Challenge  Info.
    • Post TDL on blog - C
    • Post blog post - C
    • Spend time working on Zone 3 - C

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Day 62: Off to work I go

    Today will be busy. I am out at meetings today. Not a typical day for me but necessary once in awhile because I work from home. Post to come later in the evening. Have a great day and get your TD's on yout TDL crossed off!

    Ran out of day. Time for bed so I can get to the TDL tomorrow!

    Wed., Jan. 19th
    To Do List:

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 1 - C
    2. Meeting 9:00 am - 3:00 - went until 4 (lots of pd. time in!!) - C
    3. Call Dr. Jobes - C
    4. Send in J's pic to school - C
    5. Mail RBC info. - C
    6. Make cupcakes for J's birthday - Ran out of time. Going to buy them!
    7. Call to cancel conference - C
    8. Add 1.5 hrs. to time sheet - C
    9. CFA - TDL - C
    10. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge - C
    11. Do Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge - NC (but have thought alot about it. Will focus on tomorrow.)
    12. Update DYS facebook - C
    13. Read 2 bits of info. about Beachbody that will help me start my business. * - C

    Day 61: Working from Home

    Right about the time I got pregnant with my son the company I worked for lost funding. I was out of a job, my husband and I had just purchased our first home (thank the Lord within our means!) and I was suffering from horrible morning sickness. By the time the move was over and I could make it through the day without feeling horrible I was 4-5 months pregnant. Not really a great time to go looking for a job.
    Looking back it was the greatest thing that could have happened. My husband and I decided  that we would figure out how to make it work and have me stay home with my son (and now daughter). I have not made millions working from home. I did and do make enough to help contribute to putting food on the table and more. I have a goal to contribute even more to our family income - from home!

    I will be very honest - I did miss one element of the staying home and making our funds work. I should have made a budget and stuck to it. I was foolish. I won't make that mistake again. We did ecru some debt. That was simply because of overspending. I could have easily made it work with what we were earning.
    Don't let that happen to you. If you need help in this area please read Dave Ramseys book The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness .

    I am going to write a series of articles over the next weeks and post in February. If you are a stay at home mom and are curious about how to make money from home be sure to check in with the blog. I want to share what worked for me. Not only do I think my experience will work for the SAHM - it would work for anyone wanting to start their own business on the side. I do not claim to be an expert but I think sharing my insight as to what has worked for me might spawn ideas for you. Anyone can do it!

    Please email me any questions you may have to I will work to answer those questions in the postings.

    Push Goal:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make $1k average per week at home business.

    Tuesday, January 18
    To Do List: (Modified b/c the Children are home from school - icey day!)

    1. Type up J's story for school. - C
    2. Email About the Author and Essay to contact. - C
    3. Fill out paperwork for J's school - C
    4. WW Weigh- In (Cancelled - Not driving in the ice.) - C
    5. Watch Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge - C
    6. Complete today and finishs yesterdays (needed more time for it) 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
    7. Track on UPS my new ChaLEAN Extreme extra videos!! - C
    8. Post TDL on blog. - C
    9. Post post on blog.  -C
    10. Complete anything from yesterday TDL that did not get done.
    11. Figure out how to have someone officially make them me their coach.* - C
    12. Set up conference call with my coach - C*
    13. Make sure all info. is set so I can order business cards. -* - C
    14. Work
      1. f/u calls to
        1. Perry Hall/Joppa - C
        2. Nottingham - C
        3. Martin Plaza - C
      2. f/u call to Rehab Center - C
      3. Make decision on other donation request
      4. Prep for meeting tomorrow.
      5. Prepare marketing spreadsheet for brainstorm meeting.
    15. Grocery store - C
    16. Work on Flylady - Zone 3 - C (worked in in 1 hour!!)

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Day 60: Getting focused on the House - Flying with the Flylady

    Part of me fights the Flylady plan to keep my house in order. I am letting go of thinking I should tweek her zone list to fit more of my needs and "just do it".  If I need to tweek that can come later.  This week according to the Flylady we are in Zone 3. I printed off her Zone 3 checkoff sheet and will mark on my Daily TDL to do something on the list each day or simply spend 15 minutes in the zone.

    I will keep my eyes closed to those things I might want to do and just follow the plan.

    You can check out the Flylady Zones Detailed Cleaning List Here

    This really is a great resource for anyone who is busy and trying to keep their house up or someone (like me) that cleaning just does not come second nature.

    Monday, January 17, 2011
    To Do List:

    1. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video - C
    2. Complete 30 Day Challenge Assignment 
    3. DYS Work
      1. Update DYS fb - C
      2. Research old wives tales about boating. - C
      3. List 5-10 subjects good for DYS fb post. - C
      4. Begin writing email to introduce facebook page
    4. Email J's teacher
    5. Write about the author for J's project
    6. Email Katie
    7. Send out 10-20 letters for St. B
    8. Pick up application at J's school for next year - C
    9. Give J a copy of VW bill - C
    10. Pay bills:
      1. Macys - C
      2. USAA - C
      3. Mortgage - C
      4. V.W. - C
      5. Verizon - C
      6. BGE - C
    11. Work out!! ChaLEAN Extreme Burn it Off & Recharge - C
    12. List for J's bday party - what do I need to purchase?
      1. Food
      2. Goody bag stuff - C
    13. Put goody bags together (good activity for the kids to do!) - C
    14. CFA
      1. f/u on donation requests with B
      2. Order SN cards for AHS
      3. Create promo sheet for AHS
      4. Work on text to send to AHS for Breakfast promo/exam week - C
      5. Send to Melissa and Brian - C
      6. Work on marketing plan
      7. Send B CNS SN $130.64
    15. What is this weeks Flylady Zone? Print off sheet. - C
    16. Do something on the Flylady Zone List or Spend 15 min. in the Zone - C
    17. Take toothless pic of son! :) - C
    18. Make a list of what I need to get together for taxes - NC (Should be on the weekly.)
    19. Blog - Post TDL - C
    20. Blog - Post post - C
    21. Download "flyer" style  -C
    22. To Purchase: (things I am most likely to forget!)
      1. Goodybag stuff @ Dollar store. - C
      2. Sponges - C
      3. Add'tl bag of Shakeology - *Priority on Tuesday!!

    Saturday, January 15, 2011

    Day 58/59: The Weekend

    The weekend is here! Always lots to do. We had a little impromptu get together last night with neigbors! Always fun! The kids had a blast!

    Off to get my TD's complete!

    January 15th & 16th
    Saturday/Sunday To Do List:

    1. Strip the beds and remake with nice clean sheets. - C
    2. Laundry: Sort, wash, dry & put away (until its all done) - In progress - amlmost done!!
    3. Straighten/Clean upstairs bedrooms. (Refer to Flylady Zone list for this area) - C
    4. ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals (Sat.) - C
    5. ChaLEAN Extreme Push 3 (Sun.) - C & heading to the gym for extra cardio!!
    6. ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner - C
    7. Expand article list and details. -C (ongoing...lots of work.)
    8. Church - C
    9. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge Video - C & C
    10. Do the 30 Day Challenge Homework Assignment - C & C
    11. Review and update week to do list.
    12. Make Monday to do list.
    13. Check calendar.
    14. Purchase URL - - C
    15. Learn more about beachbody - C

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Weight Loss After 40: Why It's So Hard -- and What Works

    Weight Loss After 40: Why It's So Hard -- and What Works

    Day 57: Working Out with ChaLEAN Extreme

    I am in the second month of the ChaLEAN Extreme program and I am seeing muscle!!! I love it! I have to be honest - I started this program several months ago and quit simply because I was being lazy and not making it a priority. I got a month into it and then probably had a busy day so skipped the workout. Then one day skipping my workout turned into two, three, four... Not this time! It is on my TDL!!

    What I LOVE about this program is the time required to complete the workouts. Each day is under one hour. The three weight training days are under 40. I can definitely fit that in my schedule. I am worth it! The energy I am feeling since working out is more than making up for any "time" I spend not doing something else.

    I have listed below the benefits I have seen since I started working out. I am just an average woman who committed to working out with the ChaLEAN Extreme Program. What I liked about the program is the focus on building muscle. I am 38 years old (going on 39 this mo.). Muscle is more important than ever for me as I creep closer to 40. Don't get me wrong 40 is going to be fabulous! I am going to be a fit hot 40 year old but I need muscle to be that woman.

    By working out you will:

    1. Make healthier food choices during your day. I especially find this true when I work out in the morning. It sets the tone for the day.
    2. Have more ENERGY
    3. Helps you to focus. Exercising clears the brain and helps you to move forward with a clear head.
    4. Decrease Stress. I believe simply the act of working out works to decrease stress. I know there is specific scientific data to prove this. The simple act of not have to find a pair of pants that fit or struggle to button has decreased my stress by 110%!
    5. Motivate others in your life to workout! I want my loved ones healthy. You can only do so much to motivate them to workout. My husband had been talking a lot about working out. Now he is doing it! I honestly believe he was more motivated to finally workout and "just do it" by seeing me schedule and workout each day!

    and many more!!

    Push Goal:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business.
    • Work on getting beachbody bus. up and running.
    Friday, January 14
    To Do List:

    1. Check calendar - C
    2. Drop off materials to FS -C
    3. ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 2 - C (CLICK HERE if you want to purchase ChaLEAN Extreme!)
    4. CFA Work (FOCUS on the This!!) - C
      1. f/u on SN request
      2. f/u on donation request - C
      3. review website - C
      4. post f/b - C
      5. Update CFA To Do List
      6. work on DDDN - C
        1. write and send email. - C
        2. Write plan for the evening.
        3. ad event on f/b - C
        4. check reservations - C
      7. work on PJ Party - C
        1. write email and schedule to send - C
        2. write f/b posting - C
        3. add event on f/b - C
    5. Work 10 minutes on PP presentation for GG.
    6. Brainstorm DYS f/b 15 minutes
    7. Send St. B letter by email to 5 - 10 companies
    8. Post St. B f/b
    9. Complete anything on yesterdays list that did not get accomplished. - C (Called V. Wireless!!)
    10. Update blog with TDL* - C
    11. Update blog with post.* - C
    12. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge* - C
    13. Complete 30 Day Challenge  Assignment* - C
    14. Brainstorm next TD for Beachbody business.* - C
    15. Have a PJ party with the children tonight! - C

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Day 56: Breast Exams & Such

    I crossed off another one of my resolutions. Yes, it did not take much to cross it off other than a call and actually showing up for the appointment but I went for my annual Gyn appointment. I could not believe how long it had really been since I had my last exam. I was embarrassed! I honestly thought it had been two years but it was  more! It is so important for women to have regular checkups. Here on out there will be no missing the yearly exam. It is on my to do list!

    My Dr. added a To Do to my list. Now that I am 39 with a history of breast cancer in my family I need to set up an appointment to get a mammogram. This will be a yearly to do from now on. I will put it on the to do list and get it done.

    My takeaways from today:

    Do regular self exams.  Self Breast Exam
    & Time does fly! If you think its been a month since you have done something that you need to do...its probably been at least three! Put it on the to do list and get it done!

    Push Goal:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business.
    • Work on getting beachbody bus. up and running.

    Wed. January 12
    To Do List:

    • Post TDL - C
    • Post to blog -
    • PRIORITY - Call Verizon Wireless - UGH! I was out all day and did not get this done.
    • Make a copy of VW bill & give to Hubby -
    • Make a list of what I need for J's bday. -
    • Exercise Day Off - but if time permits I am going to do 30 min. Cardio. - NC
    • OB/GYN Apt. (then I can cross off one of my Health Resolutions!!)   - COMPLETE!!
    • CFA - work - C
    • Follow WW - C
    • Beachbody Conference Call 9:00 pm -*
    • f/b - St. B -
    • f/b - CFA - C
    • Watch Chalene J. 30 Day Challenge Video *  - C
    • Do 30 Day Challenge Homework Assignment * - C
    • Make Friday TDL *
    • Put bills paid in the mail - C
    • Send email to J's teachers -
    * signifies a TD that works toward my Push Goal.

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Day 55: Fine Tuning the To Do List

    I am working on fine tuning my To Do List. I have a tendency to put a lot on it! As Chalene Johnson mentions - it is important to feel successful at the end of the day.  I am going to focus on putting itmes that are not life and death on the weekly TDL. To help me stay productive I will simply put on my Daily TDL one action item that says- look at the weekly list and cross off 1+ items! I don't want to get lazy and allow my weekly to do list to become my scapegoat to say "I will get to it." I need to get to it all!

    On a funny note - my husband asked me to do something on Monday. I simply said "I can't get it to it today but would be happy to put it on my to do list for you tomorrow." Well -  I did what I said and got what he needed done on Tuesday.  He came home from work last night and said -"Hey you got it done. I am going to start asking for some "other" things to be put on your to do list." LOL!  He has really noticed the difference and has been very supportive!

    Push Goal:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business.
    • Work on getting beachbody bus. up and running.

    Wed. January 12
    To Do List:

    • Post TDL - C
    • Post to blog -C
    • ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 1 - C
    • Meeting at Michael's - C
    • CFA - work 2 hrs. - C
    • Follow WW - C
    • Buy URL * - C !!!!!
    • Figure out how to get rid of old DYS page - C for today. But still in progress.
    • f/b - St. B - C
    • f/b - CFA - C
    • Watch Chalene J. 30 Day Challenge Video * - C
    • Do 30 Day Challenge Homework Assignment * - C
    • Make Thursday TDL * - C
    • & the few items I did not do yesterday, updated budget & paid bills. - C
    • Read few articles about business * - C
    * signifies a TD that works toward my Push Goal.

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Day 54: Weight Watchers

    I decided to join Weight Watchers today. I have working out really hard for the last 40+ days. I have seen definite changes in my body. It is taking on a new shape. I have had multiple people ask me if I am losing weight. That is a great thing. The new muscle is helping to shape my slimmer appearance. With that said I have only lost 5-6 lbs. I don't want a bunch of muscles hiding below a layer of fat.

    My husband told me I am too focused on the scale and need to stay off of it. I am. I will only weigh in once per week at Weight Watchers. I think the combination of ChaLEAN Extreme, Shakeology, and Weight Watchers I am going to be a forced to be reckoned with!

    Chalene says it all the time - you have to work out but you also have to fuel your body with the right foods. I needed to stay more accountable to what I was eating. I was finding myself making excused to eat that extra snack or extra portion because "I worked out today."

    Now I have a great resource to keep me accountable.

    I will post every Tuesday my weight loss!

    Push Goal:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business.
    • Work on getting beachbody bus. up and running.

    Tuesday, January 10
    To Do List:

    1. Mop the kitchen floor. - C
    2. F/u with Quality Printers - C
    3. Purchase URL from * - Somewhat complete...had an issue and have to call. - C
    4. Post on f/b for CFA - C
    5. Post on f/b for St. B - C
    6. Post on f/b or DYS - C
    7. Work 10 minutes on GFWJ f/b * - C
    8. Call Verizon Wireless (I did not get that done yesterday.) - NC
    9. 1-2 hrs. work for CFA - C
    10. Write my thank you notes (I did not get those done yesterday. Should have put this on my week TDL)- C
    11. Email 5-10 business for St. B Art Auction - NC
    12. Join Weight Watchers - C
    13. Pay bills (dentist, RBC, and ING) (this too should have been on the week TDL). - C
    14. Update January budget with payments - NC
    15. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge * C
    16. Do Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge - * C
    17. Learn something about beachbody coaching business - C
    18. Make Wed. TDL - C

    * signifies a TD that works toward my Push Goal.

    Day 53: Working the To Do List

    I looked at my quarterly to do list to pull things for my weekly to do list last evening. Of course I sat down after the children went to bed (kids in bed = my trigger to write my TDL!) to write my Monday to do list. I like and am incorporating all of the tips Chalene is sharing but one I especially think is of value to me being more productive is combining my personal TDL with my work TDL. I use to keep them separate.  This I know will actually keep me more productive. I only have to look at one list!

    I work from home so I need to be able to look at a list and easily choose a TO DO that I might be able to squeeze in before running out the door to pick up the children at school or choosing an item that might take more time because I have a block of uninterrupted time.

    I have so many projects going on - doing a big TDL brain dump on the quarterly list really helped clear my mind. I kind of view like cleaning out a drawer full of clothes that don't fit so you can neatly put in order your clothes that do!

    Monday, January 10, 2011
    To Do List:

    Push Goals:
    • Make my TDL for 365 Days
    • Work towards goal to make 1k average per week at home business.
    • Work on getting beachbody bus. up and running.

    1. Doctors apt. - C
    2. CFA - F/u with Quality Printers - C
    3. CFA - put out signs for SN - C
    4. Plan for Tues. Marketing meeting - C
    5. Work on CFA Marketing plan
    6. Update St. B f/b page - C
    7. Update CFA f/b page 2x - C
    8. Update blog with TDL - C
    9. Update blog with post - C
    10. Do 1 think off Flylady Zone 3 - List
    11. f/u up on St. B email  - C
    12. Make a list of 5-10 companies to target for St. B - C
    13. f/u with Jill - C
    14. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - COMPLETE!!!
    15. Order any SN cards needed  for CFA
    16. Write thank you note to Agnes, Mom & Brian/Pam
    17. Buy posterboard - C
    18. CFA - order bag stuffers - C
    19. CFA - post DDDN event - C
    20. CFA - schedule email to promote DDDN & f/b - C
    21. Write the DDDN email and f.b post
    22. CFA - Schedule email to promote B4D - C
    23. CFA - write B4D email and f/b post
    24. Watch Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge - C
    25. Do the 30 Day assignment - C and continuing thru-out the day.
    26. Pay dental bill.
    27. Decide on WW time
    28. Brainstorm 5-10 names for personal beachbody coach page - C
    29. Check webpage availability - C
    30. Run names by hubby - C
    31. Make a decision on the name! - C
    32. Call V. Wireless
    33. f/u on Kim's email - C
    34. Call Dr. - C
    Added b/c I felt motivated!!
    1. set up facebook page for Beachbody!
    2. Added my online store to the page!

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Day 52: Weekend To Do's

    Some fun tips in an article by Dave Ramsey to cut food expenses:
    The Super Size Challenge
    Check it out!

    Saturday & Sunday January 7 & 8
    To Do List:

    Push Goals:
    *Make my TDL - next 365 days.**
    *Up my business income to $1000 week average. *
    1. Sat. Beachbody conference call - C
    2. Put away Christmas Decor - C
    3. Watch Chalene J. video - C
    4. Do Chalene 30 Day Challenge Assignment -C
    5. Sat. ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals & Ab Burner - C
    6. Sunday ChaLEAN Extreme Push 3 - C
    7. Church & Sunday School for Children - C
    8. Call Dad H. - C
    9. Start cleaning out toy area of basement- C
    10. Kids playdates - C
    11. Finish brainstorm my master to do list so I am ready to rock and roll Monday with Chalene plan. - C

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Day 51: Emergancy Fund Created!!

    I have crossed two things off my Finance TDL - Budget Complete & Emergency Fund of 1k created!!  I of course will continue to update and fine tune my budget. I am looking for ways to decrease some of the fixed budget items and will continue to work on decreasing variable budget line items (e.g. groceries).  My husband recently got a new position within his company that moves us from an income that is not regular (commission sales) to a salaried fixed income with the exception of bonuses. This will effect our budget a bit.

    I opened a saving account and deposited $1,000 today in a bank separate from the bank I have my checking account. I do not want it to be easy to transfer or pull out money from the account. I want it used only for the purpose it was set up - for emergency use! It felt great to get that checked off my list today!

    I watched Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge video today. She is really getting into how she makes her TDL. She has a great system that will help me. One of the things I have had a tough time with is the non-priority TD's that don't get done on the day I schedule them. I really want everything crossed off my list I schedule.

    Chalene's set up is to have a Daily To Do, Weekly To Do and Quarterly To Do. I think keeping a weekly to do list and crossing them off when I have time will work to help me feel successful and moving forward.

    I am off to work on my 30 Day Challenge Assignment. If you have not signed up it is well worth the time.
    Go to Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge  and sign up today!

    Friday, January 7
    To Do List:

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn 2 - C
    2. (1) Load of laundry - C
    3. What's for dinner? Salad and Split Pea Soup (homemade!)
    4. HOA FEE - C
    5. Plan for emergency fund. finalized - COMPLETE
    6. Investigate WW - C
    7. What time is Hillary's call? - C 10:00 EST
    8. Order CFA POP
    9. Order Melissa's POP - C
    10. Put 1/2 hour on time sheet - C
    11. Flowers for CFA - C (picked up vases)
    12. Volunteer Position -what needs to happen?
    13. Take down Christmas Tree  - C
    14. Learn something new about Beachbody coaching - C
    15. Watch 30 Day Challenge video - C
    16. 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
    17. Give Tami recipes - C
    18. Call V. Wireless - NC
    19. Create note sheet for AHS on CFA SN - NC
    20. 1 hour on marketing plan for CFA - NC
    21. Email Marie - address - C
    22. Set up play date for son - C
    23. F/u with Lisa on DYS - NC
    24. Write weekend TDL  - C

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Day 50: Cutting the Budget

    Cutting the budget! My husband recently got a new position in his company. They will cover the cost of his cell phone! That will help us cut at least $100 off our monthly budget! He is also getting rid of his storage unit! Another $50! I am looking for other ways to cut the monthly budget.

    Let's see how I do on grocerys this month. My goal was to cut my $900 grocery budget by 20% and did not come close to that goal in Dec. It's a new month!  I am going to stay accountable with my budget. Expect to see a post everday on where I am!

    Grocery Budget = $720
    January Spent to Date = $21.45
    Total Grocery Budget Left = $698.55

    Thursday, January 6
    To Do List:

    1. Find out next steps to change the Verizon W. plan - C
    2. Write out check and drop off tuition - C
    3. Bank - C
    4. Pick up at copy center and drop off at schools - C
    5. Drop off folder to school - C
    6. Email Kim - C
    7. Work 2 hrs. -
    8. Clean out paper basket -
    9. Schedule min. (1) Beachbody conference call.
    10. Brainstorm next steps for GG and PGI - to get as business.
    11. Post TDL & Blog - C
    12. 11. Watch and do 30 Day Callenge Assignment - C

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    Day 49: Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Challenge - Assignment 3

    Assignment 4: Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge
    *Info. in bold is from the assignment worksheet issued by Chalene Johnson.

    List 10 specific and measurable goals from yesterday.

    1. Lose 30 lbs.
    2. Finalize and Implement my family budget
    3. Create financial emergency fund. (1k)
    4. Pay off $9500 Credit Card bill.
    5. Keep home organized and CHAOS free.
    6. Continue my blog for the next year. Posting daily.
    7. Do "1" really fun thing a month with the family.
    8. Make my TDL - next 365 days.**
    9.  Up my business income to $1000 week average. *
    10. Start an active Beachbody coaching business.

    *Star two goals that will make the others easier to achieve and 2 *Stars by the one push goal.

    What is is going to feel like to achieve this goal?Write down exactly what you will do when you achieve it, what will it look like, feel like, use all your senses to visualize what it is like having fulfilled this goal? Be as specific as you can. You're going tose your mind on the intention of making this goal a reality.

    My push goal is to continue writing a TDL for the next 365 days. I believe and have said from the beginning of starting this blog that I know by doing this I can put babysteps on my TDL every day that will work towards achieving my other goals. A close second push goal will be to up my stay at home (SAH) business average income to 1k per week. By doing so it will easily eliminate goal #4 - pay of $9500 credit card, make goal #3 much easier to look at each month, and make #7 doing one really unusually fun thing a month with the family to have a lot more options (e.g. travel!!!).

    It will be a true sense of accomplishment and relief when these goals are accomplished. It will open up the doors to many other goals and dreams waiting patiently in my mind to be on the list.

    Play this again and again in your mind, on paper in your thoughts and actions until it becomes a part of what you are and fully integrates your subconscious. What is it going to take to achieve this goal? Write down a starting point. Where are you now? Write down the end point, where do you want to be? What has to happen in between? Be realistic about your actual situation now - what is it going to take to make this goal a reality?

    I already work rom home. I have booked a new client for the year and have plans to book more. The hourly work I do from home will be scheduled so I can have a regular anticipated monthly income goal.  I will use January to know that current dollar figure is and find out how far I am from the 1k income weekly average I push to achieve.

    I will begin to actively put to do's on my TDL to understand and begin to create my own beachbody coaching business. I have already begun this process by signing up as a coach. I wanted to complete the 90 ChaLEAN Extreme program and replace one meal a day with Shakeology before actively selling. I feel I need to do it before I can honestly represent the company. I am in the 2nd phase of the ChaLEAN Extreme program. I am on my way. I can begin to learn more about how to sell and get customers while I am in the process of my fitness program. In doing so I will be on my way to achieve #1 goal on list - lose 30 lbs.

    I will make my TDL everyday to achieve all these goals. I am day 49 into writing my list everyday and will continue!

    Brainstorm every detail, every question, everything you need to know, do you believe in order to make this goal happen. Be excited about all the things you list because you will achieve them all. Just keep writing. Don't be afraid to fill pages of paper with every little thing that comes to mind. Get it out of your mind and onto the page - wher you can tackle it and turn it into action!

    I am going to list this on paper. I like to sit in my bed and write! I love paper!!

    Wed. January 5, 2011
    To Do List:

    • ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 1 - C
    • Chalene 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
    • Call to reschedule daughters wellness vist. - C
    • Call to move time for bday party. (forgot to consider other moms picking up other kids from school.)- C
    • Drop off/Pick up from school. - C
    • Nap (not feeling great and having insomnia issues) - C
    • Post blog & TDL. - C
    • Work - 1 hr. on marketing plan for client. - C
    • PRIORITY - Organize the AD Binder. - C
    • Bank. - NC
    • Check for school tuition. - NC
    • Offsite work - 3+ hours. - C
    • Put new apt. on the calendar - C
    • Finish bday invites - C
    • Mail to Zoey - C
    • Drop off invites at preschool - C
    • Make Thursday TDL - C

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    Day 48: Goals

    Assignment 3 of  Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge:

    My assignment was to list 10 goals and set one of those goals as my PUSH GOAL.
    The following are my goals.

    1. Lose 30 lbs.
    2. Finalize and Implement my family budget
    3. Create financial emergency fund. (1k)
    4. Pay off $9500 Credit Card bill.
    5. Keep home organized and CHAOS free.
    6. Continue my blog for the next year. Posting daily.
    7. Do "1" really fun thing a month with the family.
    8. Make my TDL - next 365 days.
    9.  Up my business income to $1000 week average.
    10. Start an active Beachbody coaching business.

    PUSH GOAL: Make my TDL for the next 365 days!

    Tuesday, January 3
    To Do List:

    1. Chalene 30 Day Challenge - Assignment 4 - C
    2. Update blog with TDL and Post - C
    3. Organize binder for AD - NC
    4. Go through - 15 minutes on bin with paper - C
    5. Visit with Sister before she flies back to CO. - C
    6. Brainstorm meeting with DYS - NC - mtg. moved. so moved the TD!
    7. Update personal calendar with birthday party, work with AD, meeting with DYS, and meeting with school. - C
    8. Follow up with teacher on conference - C
    9. Confirm if Jill got the email. - C
    10. Do birthday party invites. - C
    11. Think about plan for volunteer job (get it organized) - NC
    12. Work - other (1) hr. - C
    13. Meeting at CFA - C

    Day 47: Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge

    Back to a regular week! The children are back at school and I am back to somewhat of a normal routine. Other than having my husband home today!

    I decided to do Chalene Johnson's  30 Day Challenge to get organized! I was going to post my 2nd assignment online yesterday but got a terrible headache and sent myself to bed. 

    I have already listed my goals under each of my tabs. As I mentioned in previous post - I am willing and able to learn from the best. I am going to reevaluate and maybe add or delete from those goals.

    Assignment 1:  Think about what is important to you? – Completed!

    Assignment 2: Priority Brainstorm: List all the areas of importance to you in your life today. Things to consider: What makes me happy, gives me pride, what I wish to be remembered for at the end of my life, what do I want people to know was most important to me. Consider what makes me feel good about myself and gives me confidence.

    ·        Family
    ·        Financial Security
    ·        Personal Achievement
    ·        Health/Fitness
    Leading a positive life
    ·        Being actively involved and knowledgeable about our political system
    Creative outlets
    Maintaining friendships

    *Marked the top five with a bullet.

    Next, write down top 3 priorities in no particular order.

    1.      Family
    2.      Creating financial security for my family.
    3.      Achieving personal goals I have set for myself.

    Rewrite the above list in importance to me: 

    1.      My number one priority is family.
    2.      My number two priority is creating fiancial security for my family.
    3.      My number three priority is setting specific goals and seeing those goals achieved.

    Take the priority you’ve listed as number one and complete the following statements:

    The reason why I have placed the greatest importance on this area of my life is because: my husband, children and extended family make me happy. They fulfill my life with their love, smiles and just being.

    I will honor my number one priority by vowing to do my best to always:
    Put them first before meaningless time wasters and cluttering my life with unnecessary stress.

    The following action(s) would be inconsistent with my commitment to my number one priority:  not being present when I am with family because I am so concerned or stressed over what I have not been able to get done.

    To live my life according to my number one priority I need to make the following changes:  Be scheduled, organized and focused on building my stay at home business opportunities balanced with family time.

    As details as possible, create a TOP PRIORITY STATEMENT:

    My number one priority is to be present and activity involved in the daily lives of my family. To ensure a balance between being present in my family’s life and building my business. My goal is to ensure my children have a happy, healthy, safe home where they feel they are loved and supported and will grow to be confident adults.

    Assignment 3 to post tomorrow!

    Monday, January 3
    To Do List:

    1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
    2. Post workout in Wowy Supergym - C
    3. Chalene Johson - 30 Day Challenge - 3rd Assignment - C
    4. Write resignation letter for project. - C & sent it! Amen!
    5. Find blue folder!! - C did not find it but got the info.
    6. Laundry Bust out!! (Everything washed and folded!) - C
    7. Reschedule Tuesday Morning meeting - C
    8. Take back clothes for hubby that did not fit. - C
    9. Schedule bday party. - C
    10. Dinner with Sister & Family (only in town 1 more day. :( )
    11. Email to set up conference with son's teacher - C
    12. Cooridnate the conference with hubby - In progress
    13. Drop Off and Pick Up at School - C
    14. Post TDL on blog. - C
    15. Write Tuesday TDL - C
    16. Send f/u email to Jimmy. - C
    17. f/u wth Volunteer Email - C
    18. Work - C (got in 1 hr. and secured another gig!)

    Sunday, January 2, 2011

    Day 46: To Do List Today!

    I did not get my post up. Big time headache hit and had to go to bed! :(

    Sunday, January 2
    To Do List:

    1. Chalean Extreme - Push 3 (ohhh! I am sore today! this is going to be tough!) - COMPLETE
    2. Party at Mom & Dads (Holiday celebrations still kicking!)- C
    3. Prep for return to school tomorrow.
      • Pull out the backpack and check folders. - C
      • Check writing assignment for Jan. - Cannot find the folder! Ugh!!
      • Find lunchbox - C
      • Do I have stuff to pack a lunch? - C
    4. Update blog post. (Posting my 30 Day Challenge assignment - once I complete it!) -
    5. Complete Chalean J. 30 Day Challenge Assignment
    6. Make a list of blog articles to write. (I had an idea for a subject series for the blog while laying in bed!) - C
    7. Empty 1 box in the laundry room. (old papers) - Moving to later this week.
    8. Write thank you notes.- NC (will do throughout the week.)
      • Linda
      • Mom and Dad
      • Dad
    9. Have the children write thank you notes. NC (will do throughout the week.)
      • Aunts and Uncles
    10. Make Monday's TDL
    11. Look at Calendar for the Week! - C
    12. Stop at Macy's to look for good sales! Hubby needs some new clothes. - C

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Day 45: Happy New Year

    Yay! 2011!! I am going into this New Year feeling strong and ahead of the game. I have been working out for the last 45 days and making a To Do List everyday! I have gotten a lot done! If you read any of my post in the past you will know that I did not tell my husband about this blog and my goal to write a TDL for the next 365 days. This morning I decided to share that with him.

    He has noticed the changes in me. I have told him many times about an exercise regime I was committed to doing for him to see me give it up a week or two into it. Now since keeping my TDL - he has seen me complete the first phase of ChaLEAN Extreme and move on to the second phase! He has not had to walk over a laundry basket in over 45 days!! In addition to many other achievements!

    I wanted to share with him my goal because he is about to start a new position within his company. I know making a TDL everyday will help him to succeed in his new position beyond what he thinks is possible. We are a team. So I needed to share that information with him.

    I also am starting today Chalene Johnson's 30 Challenge to get organized and learn how to properly make a TDL. Since I have been writing one for 45 days - I am in the rhythm. It is time to learn how to make the most out of that TDL. I will take any advice from experts I can! Expect to see on my TDL Chalene Johnson's assignments! If you are interested in doing her challenge & learning from an expert CLICK HERE!
    Be sure to share your experiences here!

    Saturday, January 1 - New Years Day!
    To Do List:
    1. Chalene Johnson - Assignment 1 - C
    2. ChaLEAN Extreme  - Burn Intervals - C
    3. Spend time with family - Dinner at my Brothers! - C
    4. Update blog - C
    5. Write Sunday TDL - C
    6. Read and prepare to do Dave Ramsey $100 Challenge - C