Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 49: Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Challenge - Assignment 3

Assignment 4: Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge
*Info. in bold is from the assignment worksheet issued by Chalene Johnson.

List 10 specific and measurable goals from yesterday.

1. Lose 30 lbs.
2. Finalize and Implement my family budget
3. Create financial emergency fund. (1k)
4. Pay off $9500 Credit Card bill.
5. Keep home organized and CHAOS free.
6. Continue my blog for the next year. Posting daily.
7. Do "1" really fun thing a month with the family.
8. Make my TDL - next 365 days.**
9.  Up my business income to $1000 week average. *
10. Start an active Beachbody coaching business.

*Star two goals that will make the others easier to achieve and 2 *Stars by the one push goal.

What is is going to feel like to achieve this goal?Write down exactly what you will do when you achieve it, what will it look like, feel like, use all your senses to visualize what it is like having fulfilled this goal? Be as specific as you can. You're going tose your mind on the intention of making this goal a reality.

My push goal is to continue writing a TDL for the next 365 days. I believe and have said from the beginning of starting this blog that I know by doing this I can put babysteps on my TDL every day that will work towards achieving my other goals. A close second push goal will be to up my stay at home (SAH) business average income to 1k per week. By doing so it will easily eliminate goal #4 - pay of $9500 credit card, make goal #3 much easier to look at each month, and make #7 doing one really unusually fun thing a month with the family to have a lot more options (e.g. travel!!!).

It will be a true sense of accomplishment and relief when these goals are accomplished. It will open up the doors to many other goals and dreams waiting patiently in my mind to be on the list.

Play this again and again in your mind, on paper in your thoughts and actions until it becomes a part of what you are and fully integrates your subconscious. What is it going to take to achieve this goal? Write down a starting point. Where are you now? Write down the end point, where do you want to be? What has to happen in between? Be realistic about your actual situation now - what is it going to take to make this goal a reality?

I already work rom home. I have booked a new client for the year and have plans to book more. The hourly work I do from home will be scheduled so I can have a regular anticipated monthly income goal.  I will use January to know that current dollar figure is and find out how far I am from the 1k income weekly average I push to achieve.

I will begin to actively put to do's on my TDL to understand and begin to create my own beachbody coaching business. I have already begun this process by signing up as a coach. I wanted to complete the 90 ChaLEAN Extreme program and replace one meal a day with Shakeology before actively selling. I feel I need to do it before I can honestly represent the company. I am in the 2nd phase of the ChaLEAN Extreme program. I am on my way. I can begin to learn more about how to sell and get customers while I am in the process of my fitness program. In doing so I will be on my way to achieve #1 goal on list - lose 30 lbs.

I will make my TDL everyday to achieve all these goals. I am day 49 into writing my list everyday and will continue!

Brainstorm every detail, every question, everything you need to know, do you believe in order to make this goal happen. Be excited about all the things you list because you will achieve them all. Just keep writing. Don't be afraid to fill pages of paper with every little thing that comes to mind. Get it out of your mind and onto the page - wher you can tackle it and turn it into action!

I am going to list this on paper. I like to sit in my bed and write! I love paper!!

Wed. January 5, 2011
To Do List:

  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Push 1 - C
  • Chalene 30 Day Challenge Assignment - C
  • Call to reschedule daughters wellness vist. - C
  • Call to move time for bday party. (forgot to consider other moms picking up other kids from school.)- C
  • Drop off/Pick up from school. - C
  • Nap (not feeling great and having insomnia issues) - C
  • Post blog & TDL. - C
  • Work - 1 hr. on marketing plan for client. - C
  • PRIORITY - Organize the AD Binder. - C
  • Bank. - NC
  • Check for school tuition. - NC
  • Offsite work - 3+ hours. - C
  • Put new apt. on the calendar - C
  • Finish bday invites - C
  • Mail to Zoey - C
  • Drop off invites at preschool - C
  • Make Thursday TDL - C

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