Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 190:

Today if flying by and I need to get my tdl down on paper.

1. Wake up early (need to go to store and get cookies for school) - C
(I let my TDL go over the weekend holiday...and thus forgot to get cookies for my son to take to school and celebrate his bday. Lesson learned...even when you don't  have a full schedule and major to do's...write down even the smallest things that you may forget!)
2. Meeting - C
3. Buy J bday present - C
4. Dress for promotion celebration - C
5. Map out directions to DC location - C
6. TWD - driving tonight - C
7. Grocery store - Spaghetti and meatballs- C
8. Wrap Josh's gift- C
9. Go to storage
10. Update calendar
11. Facebook updates- C
11. CFA -
  • email Wendy
  • Fax Mary
  • Update project sheets

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 186 - 189

Friday - Monday! Memorial Day Weekend!

I did not get my post up! I have made my to do list simple. Enjoy my family. Back to work tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 185:

I admit lack of focus this morning. I tend to get that way after I complete a big project. Which I did last night. Time to settle in and write down the TDL!

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - D
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner?
  5. Scheduled: TWD (Car pool tonight)
  6. Workout: CLX Burn 1
  7. 15 min. in Zone
  8. Vitamin D supplement
  9. Outline/brainstorm for professionalism article.
  10. Track WW points
  11. TDL Braindump on
    • CFA Projects
    • Baby Shower
                                                              i.      Wording for invites

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 184:

I have an event tonight so need to be methodical in my to do list!

  1. drop off j at school- C
  2. buy flowers - C
  3. put vases together - C
  4. call confirm entertainment - C
  5. order photo release form - C
  6. fix up treasure boxes - C
  7. pull kids clothes together - C
  8. get out my outfit - C
  9. facebook post
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
  10. dropp of jo at school - C
  11. Event!! - C

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 183: Scratch Paper To Do List

I got out the door today early and wrote down on a scratch piece of paper my to do list. Not what I like to do. Tomorrow be back online! It keeps me focused.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 182:

Is the weekend over already?
Back to it and will have to rely on my to do list a lot this week.

To Do List:
Monday, May 23

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  1. Update TDL on blog - C
  2. Update blog post
  3. Update calendar (bball, shower, etc.)
  4. Write tomorrows TDL
  5. What's for Dinner?
  6. Workout: ChaLEAN Extreme
  7. CFA: Review Website
  8. 15 min. in Zone
  9. Vitamin D supplement
  10. Track WW points
  11. Clear out 50 old emails
  12. Baseball game tonight
  13. CFA ( 2hrs.)
·        Send email re: pirate night
·        Drop off pirate shirts
·        Drop off hours and receipts to Brian
·        Schedule webinar
·        F.u calls

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 180/181: Weekend TDL!!

1.      Print off Flylady Zone Sheet
2.      Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA -
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
3.      Update TDL on blog
4.      Write Monday's TDL
5.      What's for Dinner? - C
6.      10 Push Goals for the Week
7.      Workout Saturday: X
8.      Workout Sunday: Run 2.5 miles - C
9.      15 min. in Zone
10.  CFA ( 2hrs.) - C
11.  Review RMD email - C
12.  Baseball game
13.  Review bills to be paid/finances
14.  Vitamin D supplement (Sat./Sun.) – C
15.  Coordinate plan for the week (events etc)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 179:

To Do List: Quick list today to keep me on track. I have a little boy home sick with the stomach bug. :(

  1. Facebook posting - C
  2. Field trip - (find sub to take J b/c other J home sick) - C
  3. Work CFA - 3 hrs. - C
  4. Workout
  5. What's for Dinner?
  6. 1 hr. on babyshower

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 178:

Thursday, To Do List:

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS
·        CFA
·        GFWJ
·        CES
·        St. B
·        other:
  1. Update TDL on blog
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner?
  5. Scheduled: TWD
  6. Workout: CLX Burn 1
  7. 15 min. in Zone
  8. Vitamin D supplement
  9. CFA ( 2hrs.)
·        Call Mary - C
·        Drop off cards to Nantucket
·        Drop cards to CFA with prize for Golf Tournament
·        Cancel blow up cow with Joel
·        f/.u with Urban Pirates
·        Names tags for Pirate Night
·        Call Demonte
·        Other f.u

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 177: Professionalism

Over the last few weeks a topic keeps coming up that I think warrants a post. Professionalism.
I attended a leadership conference a few weeks ago and one of the speakers discussed professionalism. He made a great point - it does not matter if you are the guy/girl that takes out the garbage or the owner of a business - you must be professional.

I had a conversation with a woman last night about a person she hired that is not acting professional. For example: Constantly texting, walking around without shoes on in the office.  This person is very young. It got me thinking how are we teaching out kids about professionalism when we really live in an everything goes society?

I have added to my push goals to write an article and get it published somewhere to help educate young kids entering the workforce how to be professional.   I really think it is so important! Who knows where the job market will be in the future. The difference between getting the job you want or need may just be how professional you are!

Wednesday, To Do List:
May 18

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  1. Vitamin D supplement
  2. Track WW points
  3. Update TDL on blog
  4. Update blog post
  5. Write tomorrows TDL
  6. What's for Dinner?
  7. Workout: Yes TBD
  8. 15 min. in Zone
  9. CFA ( 2hrs.)
    • Order pirate stuff
    • Revise TDL

Day 176: Tuesday!

I got out the door early yesterday and did not get home unitl after 8. TDL did not get posted! I will just say this...totally productive day! Love that feeling!!

I had two big to do's: Meeting at CFA (2.5 hrs.) and a meeting with a client I am planning a party for (3.5 hrs) In between I took care of little to do's!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 175: Monday, Monday....Bah-da bah-da-da-da

Monday morning! Is there never a busy week? I don't think so. Ready to rock the week.
As I plan this weeks "to do's" I am really focusing on maximizing the day in the best way. For example - Mapping out certain activities at the best point of the day to maximize the hours in the day.

We all have 24 hours in a day - no more - no less. How do I maximize those 24 hours?

Monday, May 16

  1. Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  1. Update TDL on blog
  2. Update blog post
  3. Write tomorrows TDL
  4. What's for Dinner?
  5. Workout: CLX Push 2/Run
  6. CFA: Review Website
  7. 15 min. in Zone
  8. Vitamin D supplement
  9. Track WW points
  10. Babyshower
·        (2) caterer menus
·        Email Steve re: date/invites
·        Pull to do sheet and what to discuss at meeting
·        Set date to Meet with Agnes
  1. CFA ( 2hrs.)
·        Awesome note

Day 172-174

Blogger was down on Thursday after I put up the post and through Friday
Read to rock out Monday with the TDL!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 171: What is on the To Do TODAY!

Thursday, May 12

  • Facebook postings
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  • Update TDL on blog - C
  • Update blog post
  • Write tomorrows TDL
  • What's for Dinner? - Chicken, Rice and Broccolie
  • Scheduled: TWD
  • Workout: CLX Push 1
  • 15 min. in Zone
  • CFA ( 2hrs.)
  • Vitamin D supplement
  • Track WW points
  • CFA ( 2hrs.) – my must do are listed here…
    • Drop SN Cards to CFA for ASA
    • Drop SN Cards to OE
    • Order other 2 SN cards
    • Order Pirate Night bag stuffers

Day 170: Calling Customer Service

This past week my blender broke. My blender is something I use everyday to blend my SHAKEOLOGY.
My husband was making a SHAKEOLOGY last week and the blades broke off of my Kithen Aid blender.

I am typically the kind of person who just throws a broken product away and buys a new one. Since one of my goals is to reduce my debt - I thought why purchase something if it can a part could be replaced? I had on my to do list today to call Kitchen Aid about a replacement part.

I ended up going online and doing a live chat with a customer service representative. After she got my information she said Kitchen Aid would be sending me a completely new blender! All they asked was that I send my blender back in the package my new one comes (they are sending a shipping label too) with so they can see what happened. Not a problem at all - I can do that!

I love that Kitchen Aid stood behind their product! So thank you Kitchen Aid! The next time I am in the market for another item that Kitchen Aid makes - I will remember their customer service and opt for the Kitchen Aid brand.

Lesson learned: When a product fails - call the customer service line! And from now on I am keeping receipts and dates of purchase on appliance items neatly filed away!

  1. Facebook postings
·        DYS
·        CFA
·        GFWJ
·        CES
·        St. B
·        other:
  1. Vitamin D supplement
  2. Call Kitchen Aid about blender - C
  3. Track WW points - C
  4. Update TDL on blog - C
  5. Update blog post - C
  6. Write tomorrows TDL
  7. What's for Dinner? - C (chicken, rice and broccoli!)
  8. Workout: Push 1 - Changed workout to a a 2mile run - Complete!
  9. 15 min. in Zone
  10. Delete 25 emails from yahoo account - C
  11. CFA ( 2hrs.)
·        Check awesome note for TD’s

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 169:

Today's list getting up late....

1. Meeting - C
2. Eye dr. apt. - C
3. TWD - C
4. sign up for swim lessons - X (moved to Thursday)
5. Wed. TDL

that is it for today! I have to swing the rest!

Update: I have been sick all week. Starting to feel better from a congestion thing. I need to get back tot he workout routine! It will be nice to be able to breath when I do so!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 168: Gear up for the Week

Last week I got ultra unfocused. The only reason anything got accomplished was because of the to do list. I missed a few things because they did not make it to my list! It is really learning curve trying to organize information, calendars, activities, email, text messages from so many sources so that nothing is missed!

When all is said and done after this process - it could be years! LOL! I am going to become an time management/productivity expert!

Monday, May 9
To Do List:

  1. Facebook postings - C
    • DYS
    • CFA
    • GFWJ
    • CES
    • St. B
    • other:
  2. Update TDL on blog - C
  3. Update blog post - C
  4. Write tomorrows TDL - C
  5. What's for Dinner? - C
  6. Workout: ChaLEAN Extreme Push 1 - Canelled due to major chest congestion!
  7. CFA: Review Website - C
  8. 15 min. in Zone (Kitchen: Clean out refrigerator) - C
  9. Vitamin D supplement
  10. Mail to go out - C
  11. Track WW points (I have not been doing this but getting back to it!)
  12. Clean out 25 old emails from yahoo - C
  13. Clean out 5 from new gmail account - C
  14. Set up DYS ad - C
  15. Send Jim invoice
  16. CFA ( 2hrs.) - C
    • Drop off Silent Auction item - C
    • Drop off coupons to church - C
    • email Tami - C
    • review awesome note tdl - C

Day 166/167: The Weekend!

Weekend to do!

  1. Enjoy the hometown parade - C
  2. Purchase and plant in the garden - C
  3. Prepare for Sunday dinner - C
  4. Enjoy Mother's Day - C
  5. Scratch off HOT to do for CFA - C
  6. Print off FlyLady Zone - C
  7. Write 10 push goals for the week -
  8. Write Monday's TDL -

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 165:

Friday, May 6

  1. Facebook Post - C
  2. WFD?  - C
  3. Workout - X
  4. Drop off SN Cards to CM and PO - C
  5. CFA lunch with Jen and Erin - C
  6. Mother's Day Tea with J - C
  7. Volunter at J school - C
  8. TWD - Sparrring with J - C
  9. TDL for weekend - C
  10. CFA - Scratch things of the master to do list - C

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 164:

Thursday, May 5 - Cinco de Mayo

  1. Facebook post - C
  2. update calendar - C
  3. CFA (2 hrs) - C
  4. Purchase bball pants for J - C
  5. Pay hoa fee - C
  6. Pay MVA renewal - C
  7. Get rid of headache! - C

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 163:

This week needs to slow down! Moving too fast!

Wed. May 4

  1. Work at AD (4 hrs.) - C
  2. Updage calendar with hours - C
  3. CFA donation f/u - C
  4. CFA make massive brain dump to do list! - C
  5. Facebook post - C

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 162:

Tuesday, May 2

1. CFA Meeting - C
2. Pick up POP - C
3. Review meeting notes and schedule due dates
4. F/u with Agnes - C
5. facebook post - C
6. Babyshower planning (.5 hr)
7. Baseball Game - C

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 161: Try something NEW!

I feel like I have a pinched something on the left side of my back (shoulder blade area). It is not going to keep me from my exercise! I hit the gym with a neighbor and did a new class called Body Combat. It was fun! What surprised me the most is how conditioned I actually am!! ChaLEAN Extreme prepared me for the class! I was able to knock it out at the end of the day when I was feeling grumpy and tired!

My advice - mix it up and try something new every once in awhile when it comes to your workout regime. You might find something you really like and it helps inspire you to keep it going!

Monday, May 2

  1. Facebook postings
  2. DYS - C
  3. CFA - C
  4. GFWJ
  5. CES
  6. St. B
  7. other:
  8. Update TDL on blog - C
  9. Update blog post - C
  10. Write tomorrows TDL
  11. What's for Dinner? - C
  12. Workout: Run (Went to the gym and did Body Combat!) FUN!
  13. 15 min. in Zone - X
  14. Vit. D Supplement - C
  15. f/u with Eric at Bowie - C
  16. Facebook: Write min. of "5" generic CFA FB post (start the spreadsheet)
  17. Babyshower - fill in deadlines
  18. f/u with Agnes  - C
  19. CFA ( 2hrs.)
    • Review website - C
    • Drop off TA flyer - C
    • Drop off BOG's to CES - C
    • Drop check and raffle prize to WC - C
    • Put out SN Signs at CM - C
    • Make gift cert for Battle of the Bank - C
    • Prep for meeting
    • make signs for SN tonight and drop into red containers- C
    • make flyer for Fran - C
    • F/u with CM SN - C
    • Finish letters for SN Checks
    • Pull my receipts together/print hours