Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 161: Try something NEW!

I feel like I have a pinched something on the left side of my back (shoulder blade area). It is not going to keep me from my exercise! I hit the gym with a neighbor and did a new class called Body Combat. It was fun! What surprised me the most is how conditioned I actually am!! ChaLEAN Extreme prepared me for the class! I was able to knock it out at the end of the day when I was feeling grumpy and tired!

My advice - mix it up and try something new every once in awhile when it comes to your workout regime. You might find something you really like and it helps inspire you to keep it going!

Monday, May 2

  1. Facebook postings
  2. DYS - C
  3. CFA - C
  4. GFWJ
  5. CES
  6. St. B
  7. other:
  8. Update TDL on blog - C
  9. Update blog post - C
  10. Write tomorrows TDL
  11. What's for Dinner? - C
  12. Workout: Run (Went to the gym and did Body Combat!) FUN!
  13. 15 min. in Zone - X
  14. Vit. D Supplement - C
  15. f/u with Eric at Bowie - C
  16. Facebook: Write min. of "5" generic CFA FB post (start the spreadsheet)
  17. Babyshower - fill in deadlines
  18. f/u with Agnes  - C
  19. CFA ( 2hrs.)
    • Review website - C
    • Drop off TA flyer - C
    • Drop off BOG's to CES - C
    • Drop check and raffle prize to WC - C
    • Put out SN Signs at CM - C
    • Make gift cert for Battle of the Bank - C
    • Prep for meeting
    • make signs for SN tonight and drop into red containers- C
    • make flyer for Fran - C
    • F/u with CM SN - C
    • Finish letters for SN Checks
    • Pull my receipts together/print hours

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