Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 248: Turbo Fire!!

Whoot! Whoot! Guess what came in the mail! TURBO FIRE!! I start my new program tomorrow and will give updates on progress. Who's in? go to to order TURBO FIRE!!

If you are in  - post in the comments section - I am on FIRE!!!

Today's To Dos:

  1. CFA - Send email re: Sat. promotion - C
  2. Listen to voicemails  - C
  3. Pull and drop off stuff for golf tournament  - C (Drop in AM)
  4. Send GS - new menu updates  - C
  5. Facebook posts  - C
  6. Clean kitchen  - C
  7. Do pw list for work
  8. Work on AASF website 30 minutes  - C
  9. Write Titan TDL
  10. Work on CFA B - promo plan 30 minutes
  11. Send out any prizes
  12. Top 10 goals  - C
  13. TurboFire Video
  14. Put laundry away  - C
  15. Clean up Josie closet
  16. Create fundraiser flyer for Trinity  - C
  17. CFA - order plush cows  - C
  18. Braindump CFA
    1. Plan for swipe cards
    2. Oatmeal distribution
  19. Lucas spending the night with the kids.  - C
  20. Make Gak with kids!!   - C

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