Immediately I am slashing the grocery budget. This is one spot in the budget I knew I could make a quick immediate impact. To date I have spent $256 of my $720 December allowance for grocerys. I will keep you all posted. It keeps me honest. What am I doing to keep to my grocery budget:
- Shop one time per week.
- Base meals on what is on sale.
- Use coupons. (I have a lot to say about coupons. More to come on that subject.)
I am very proud that I sold a box of old ink cartridges on craigslist. A friend was going to toss the ink. I said I would take it. The box has sat next to my desk for months. That is until I put it on my TDL!
I looked up how much each ink cartridge cost and put together an ad for craigslist. I got a few hits but I think they were bogus. Last night I got an email from a gentleman checking to see if I by chance still had them.
I sold them for $75!! That $ will go right to the credit card!! Post office is on the TDL tomorrow!! I have to mail him the ink!!
What do you have laying around that you could sell and make moola?
To Do List:
- Make Christmas Shopping List- Started...not complete.
- Open account for emergency fund. - NC (I want to put the money in different bank than where I keep my checking. I need to decide on a bank.)
- Check Lowes for pickup of rug. - C
- 15 minute paper declutter - C (threw away a bunch!)
- 15 minutes on budget. - C
- Work 1/2 hour on Volunteer Job - C
- Work 2-3 hrs. - NC (only 1/2 hr.)
- ChaLEAN Extreme Burn 1! -C
- Cleaning out the children's sock drawer. - NC
- Purchase gifts for Church Christmas donation - C
- Check out bday party idea at Michaels - C
Always To Do:
- What's for dinner? Pork Tenderloin, Rice & Broccoli
- Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM - C
- Put new apt. on the calendar - C
- Clear Command Central (desk) - C
- Make Tuesday TDL - C
- Any thank you notes to write? - Yes! - C (I wrote a note to a friend who passed me down some snow boots for my little girl.) and have another to add to the list! - C
- Drop off/Pick up from School - C
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