Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 42: Blog Worth Adding to your Reading List

I have read a few of Seth Godin books. Love his blog and wanted to share:

On another note:
My post this morning has nothing to do with making TDL. It was simply a moment in my life I wanted to share.

My son said the sweetest thing to me last night. If I had to guess his profession today - I am going with motivation speaker. He is such a positive child.

Last night he was busy trying to figure out a game he got for Christmas. He was getting frustrated. My son struggles to continue something if it is too hard for him. I always encourage him to continue. I don't want to raise a quitter.  I said "Honey - You are smart. Don't give up and keep trying." Eventually he did get it. He turned to me and said "Mom you believed in me and that is why I got it. You always believe in me." Talk about a moment that makes your heart sing.

I love being a Mom!

Thursday, December 30
To Do List:

  1. Post TDL on MMTDL blog. - C
  2. Gym workout - C
  3. Check out Seth Godin Blog - C
  4. Send Jimmy facebook PowerPoint - C
  5. Make a list of questions to as Ryan re: project - C
  6. Write 2 thank you notes. (Agnes & Linda) - NC
  7. Sister comes to town!! Lunch with the family! - C
  8. Work TDL - C
  9. Check against grocery budget
  10. Make a list for New Years Eve (impromptu party at my house! It's going to be crazy. Mom, Dad, Sister and Family and all our kids playing Dance Central on the Kinect!) I am really looking forward to it!! - NC (doing in the AM)
Always To Do:
  1. What's for dinner? Chicken/Wild Rice & Broccoli
  2. Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM -  C
  3. Put new apt. on the calendar   C
  4. Clear Command Central (desk) -    C
  5. Make Thursday TDL -  C
  6. Any thank you notes to write? -  Yes!
Scheduled To Do:
  1. Gym - C
  2. Lunch - C

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