Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 100:

Monday, February 28
To Do List:

  1. Post TDL - C
  2. Pick up from CC and deliver to CFA - C
  3. Signs - put out and pick up - C
  4. Update fb
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. CFA
    4. St. B
  5. Send info. to Steph - C
  6. Send info. to Jeff - C
  7. Update 90 Day Fit Club with pics
  8. Update 90 Day Fit Club with tracking sheets
  9. Rewrite 10 goals
  10. Brianstorming

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 98/99: Weekend is Here

The weekend is here!! I cannot believe the weekend is day 98 & 99! Monday is a very special day - officially 100 days of keeping my to do list. I am do not consider myself a pro - yet! Each day I get better at this and the next 100 days I am going to really focus on the maximizing the TDL so it is not a check off sheet but really pushed me to achieve the goals I have set out for myself.

I complete Chalene Johnson's 30 day challenge. I learned so much for that experience. I was ready to begin it again on Feb. 1 but did not put it on the to do list. So it got away from me. March will be a new start to do the challenge again with a bit more perspective of having been through this on my own and with her advice.

Weekend To Do List:

  1. Read friends book (a friend of mine wrote a book about his life experience. It is soooo interesting.) - C
  2. Spend time with family doing fun stuff. - C
  3. Project brain dump. I need to update my big to do list.
  4. Plan for my next 100 days! What is it going to look like?
  5. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 2 - C

Day 98:

Friday, February 25
To Do List:

  1. Pick up from CC - C
  2. Deliver to 4 Seasons - C
  3. Prep for weekend - C
  4. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 1 - C
  5. Facebook postings - C
  6. F/u with Stephanie - re: CLX - C

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 97: Summer of Fitness

Tomorrow begins my first day of the last week of my ChaLEAN Extreme program! I am half way to my goal to lose 30 lbs!! As soon as I complete my last week I am going to begin the program once again! My goal is to shed those last 15 lbs. over the next 3 months.- a little over 1 lb. per week! At that point I will evaluate my fitness goals and decide on a new one!

I have created such a strong foundation of muscle and cardio endurance I am excited to hit it once again and enjoy a fit summer! Maybe I will try surfing this summer!

To Do List:
February, Thursday 24, 2010

  1. Flowers (purchase) - C
  2. Post TDL - C
  3. Post blog posting - C
  4. Create arrangements - C
  5. Drop off - C
  6. Drop off to CM -C
  7. Storage unit - C
  8. Facebook posting
    1. GFWJ
    2. St. B - C
    3. CFA - C
    4. DYS- C
  9. Write content for weekend post and schedule
  10. Make f/u calls - C

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 96:

Wednesday, February 23
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
  2. f/u with Crofton Meadows - C
  3. Facebook
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. CFA - C
    4. St. B - C
  4. St. B PR -
  5. 15 Min. CFA Brain Dump -
  6. Plan 4 Van - C
  7. Make list for OC
  8. Finish laundry - C
  9. Order PJ Bag Stuffer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 95:

Tuesday, February
To Do List:

  1. Take the children over to Grandfolks - C
  2. Meeting - C
  3. Bank - C
  4. Do a complete CFA brain dump of projects
  5. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 94: Energy Returns & ChaLEAN Extreme

I have struggled the last couple weeks with energy level - fighting a horrible chest thing and taking care of three family members with the stomach bug. I am going to knock on wood and say a prayer that the crud is over and hope its stays away!  I feel like I got my energy back!

Two days and one more week of ChaLEAN Extreme and then I have completed one full round of the program! I am going to hit it again right away! I am really excited about it - now I have a solid base of strength and cardio endurance. I can't imagine the results I will see after doing the program a second time around! It is amazing how the program changes the body!

The two questions I have received most from friends knowing I am doing the ChaLEAN Extreme program is:

1. Do I have to be in shape to do the program?

What I loved about the program is that you do not need to be in shape to do the program. There are two women you can follow to modify the workouts. I used the modifications to begin - and set my pace with Laylie or Donna. Soon I found myself being able to do a lot of the exercises without modification.

2. Are the moves hard? Is there a lot of choreography?

No, anyone can follow the moves in the program. Chalene incorporates a lot of plyometrics moves. They are easy to follow and modify according to ability.

Please email me at if you are interested in starting the program.

Visit to order ChaLEAN Extreme! Start NOW and be in shape by SUMMER!!!

Presidents Day!
February 21, 2011
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 3 - C
  2. Update blog with TDL - C
  3. Update blog post -  C
  4. Pick book to read to son's class on Wed. - C
  5. Put out pickup for Purple Heart donation - C
  6. CFA
    1. Order SN Cards - NC
    2. Download pics from DDDN move -- would not download
    3. email pics - move -- would not download
    4. Review/f/u on donations - C
    5. Put mshake coupons together - C
  7. Facebook/Twitter Update
    1. St.B - C
    2. DYS - C
    3. CFA -C
    4. GFWJ - C
  8. Watch Brendon Burchard Video - C
  9. Tuesday - TDL - C

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 92/93:

It's the weekend!

Saturday & Sunday
February 19 & 20
To Do List:

  1. Full out assault on Basement! (getting rid of books & old toys!) - C
  2. Scheudule donation pick up for Monday. - C (love site to schedule pickups!)
  3. Sat. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals - C
  4. Sun. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 3 (move to Monday)
  5. Plan for week. - C
  6. Update calendar. (reading at school) - C

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 91: Countdown on!

I am finishing up my next to last week of ChaLEAN Extreme! If I can get past this week of a horrible cold/chest thing and get my energy back I will be good to go.  I have Burn Intervals, Lean 3 and Burn it Off to complete. Then I hit my last week!

It has been a great 3 months. I am happier than ever my  pants fit. What is going to be next? I am starting the program over start to finish. This time I am starting off with strength and endurance. I will be unstoppable and just in time for bathing suit season!

If you are interested in beginning ChaLEAN Extreme - email me at I will email you details on the 90 Day Challenge beginning in March!!

Friday, February 18
To Do List:

  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals - (Moved to tomorrow. Feeling horrible. Had to take another rest day. I am hoping to find my energy tomorrow!)
  • Post TDL on blog - C
  • Post posting
  • Update facebook
    • DYS - C
    • ST. B - C
    • GFWJ - C
    • CFA - C
  • Write down thoughts re: DDDN - C
  • 30 min. on overall DYS fb strategy - C
  • 30 min. on bb business - review getting started info. - C
  • Watch Brendon Burchard Video - C
  • Look back over week - did anything not get accomplished - Get it done!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 90: The Danger of the Yoga Pant

I got a call from a good friend the other day. She stepped on the scale and could not believe her weight. I had to laugh because she told me she actually took the scale to a different room just to be sure the floor was level! I have been there! I am still working hard to drop lbs. but its happening! Gratefully all my pants fit better than ever and some are even going into the giveaway bin. Yes, I am not keeping ANYTHING too big.

As my friend and I continued to chat we discussed when the scale creeps up so high - you simply don't buy clothes. Or you buy  inexpensive clothes because "you are going to commit to losing weight next week." What the hell are you wearing when you can't fit in your clothes? Answer:  Yoga Pants (or some other variation of exercise pants that have the ability to expand with you!

I fell into this trap big time. I had two very comfy pair of yoga style pants I wore all the time. People must have been thinking - "does she own anything else?" Answer: "Yes, but it does not fit."  These pants allowed me to take the ostrich approach to facing I needed to get my butt in gear and work out.

This is a promise you have to make to yourself. Especially if you are a stay at home mom - its way easy to fall into this trap! You MUST and I mean MUST put on and wear your jeans or other fitted pants at least 5 times a week. If it means you put them on in the morning to go grocery shopping and then come home and take them off to get more comfy then do it. Your jeans won't lie. Your jeans won't expand with you. Your jean will keep you honest!

Thursday, February 17
To Do List:

  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 2 (back to working out! feeling better :)
  • Grocery store (the cupboards are empty) - C
  • Bank - C
  • Clean out mini-van/wash - C
  • Pick up checks - C
  • Plan upcoming CFA Projects and scheduled deadlines
  • Update f/b & twitter
    • DYS
    • St. B
    • GFWJ
    • CFA -C
  • Chalene Johnson - 30 Day Challenge - Video 2
  • Work on to do list (I need to sit down and focus on new items to be added to my list - specifically related to priorities.
  • Make lip balm with my daughter! - C
  • Update blog with TDL -C
  • Update blog with post - coming later today! - C

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 89: Big Work Day

I put on an event this evening leaving little time for a posting! I will get back to it tomorrow.

One thing: Did you you make your to do list today?

Wednesday, February 16th
To Do List:

1. Send CC - AHS SN Card Request - C
2. F/u with any DDDN request - C
3. Write waiter tips - C
4. pick up balloon anchors - C
5. f/u with SBT - C
6. Send order to CC
7. Pick up order from CC & SBT - C
8. Post TDL - C
9. f.u with request - C
10. facebook post: DYS, GFWJ, CFA & St. B - C
11. Pack car for event - C
12. Take antibiotic (have to feel good to workout tomorrow!) - C

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 88: Better Late than Never

I really like to post my TDL in the morning. It simply helps to keep me accountable. Today got crazy getting out the door to drop the children at school, get to a meeting and then fly to the doctors all the while feeling pretty horrible. Here is it 8:30 p.m. I did have my TDL written down and took it with me everywhere!

I am going to give myself a break!

Today was not a scheduled day off from working out. Feeling so bad I am going to give myself today and tomorrow off. Two days for the antibiotics to work their magic and get back to it Thursday (body permitting).

It is quite frustrating when it is my last two weeks of ChaLEAN Extreme Lean Phase to get sick. I really wanted to knock it out of the park these last two weeks. I willl schedule to get extreme on Thursday!!

Monday, February 15
To Do List:

1. CFA Meeting - C
2. Doctors Apt. - C (ugh fever - needed antibiotics!)
3. Update TDL on blog - C
4. WW - lost .4 lbs. (not much but at least it is in the right direction!)
5. Purchase flowers for event - C
6. Put together flower arrangements - C
7. Pull DDDN stuff from storage - C
8. Iron table clothes for event (move to Wed. AM)
9. Make Wed. TDL - C

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 87: Redoing the Challenge!

As I work to perfect the to do list I am going to complete Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge once more!

Monday, February 14
To Do List:

  1. Gym - Cancelled - Chest cold has me grounded. :(
  2. Go to the minute clinic to make sure I do not have the flu. - C (had to make an apt. for Ts.)
  3. Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge - Day 1  - C
  4. Take care of website for TLT - C
  5. DDDN
    1. Pull table cloths - C
    2. paper to cover table - C
    3. go thru other details
  6. Post TDL on blog - C
  7. Post blog  - C simple post did not feel good enough to write!
  8. Sign and send in J's report card - C
  9. Map for Brian - C
  10. Create TDL template in word
  11. Revise PR for St. B

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 85/86: The Weekend

Been a crazy couple days. The stomach bug has run through my family! Somehow I have been spared. Maybe its the Shakeology helping to keep my immune system up and digestive track in order!!
The to do list is small this weekend as I am taking care of kids! There will be lots to do this week!

Saturday & Sunday
February 12 & 13:
To Do List:

  • Disney Pricness on Ice - C (fun!)
  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 1 - C
  • DDDN - pull the table clothes - MONDAY
  • Rest (the entire family has been sick wiht the stomach bug and I my chest feels tight from congestion - uhg!) - C and still in progress.
  • Laundry (Compelte and Put away) - C
  • Write Monday TDL - C
  • Review week must dos - C
  • Write 10 goals- C

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

Interested in learning more about Shakeology: CLICK HERE
or email

Day 84:

Friday, February 11
To Do List:

  1. Update fb & twitter - C
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
    3. GFWJ
    4. St B - C
  2. Write St. B press release - C
  3. Con't work on DDDN
  4. Review CFA Marketing To Do List - schedule activity - C
  5. Brainstorm 5 ways to expand BB business - C
  6. Send GFWJ ad to program* - C
  7. Make weekend TDL
  8. Continue to work on weekly list - C

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 83: Who is ready to rock the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club with me?

The ChaLEAN Extreme program is doing everything it has promised to do. The compliments keep coming from friends who have noticed that I am slimmer and toned! Those are very nice words to hear when you are working hard to do just that - get slim and toned.

I am beginning a 90 Day Virtual Fit Club and want YOU to join the club and get FIT for SUMMER!!!

What is the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

The 90 Day Virtual Fit Club is the length of time required to complete the ChaLEAN Extreme fitness program. ( 3 mo. program) If you get started by March 1 - YOU will be FIT by June 1 and ready for SUMMER!!! I say no time like the present - get started today!

What is ChaLEAN Extreme?

ChaLEAN Extreme is a body sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in 3 months.

Workouts are broken into 3 phases, so you keep progressing as you build strength and endurance.

Phase 1: Burn Phase, Start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism.

Phase 2: Push Phase, Learn how to lift heavy and build the muscle to burn more fat.

Phase 3: Lean Phase, Once you've built a foundation, Chalene brings it home with new routines and dynamic moves that melt the fat away.

Each phase includes Burn It Off (A high-intensity cardio workout to build strength, and a recovery routine to stretch and refresh & Burn Intervals (Strength and cardio intervals to boost your calorie-burning engine.)

(You will be working out 5 days per week if you follow the program. Each workout is less than 1 hour time. Most weight lifting days (3 of the 5 days) are 40 minutes and under. Easy to fit in a busy schedule!)

Who does ChaLEAN Extreme benefit?

  • People who want to lose weight and shed fat.
  • People who want a lean, hard body.
  • People who want an alternative to cardio-based programs.
  • Women who are interested in strength training but are wary of bulking up.
  • People of all fitness levels who want to start where they are and progress gradually.

How do I join the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

and ask to join the PRIVATE Facebook Group. I have decided to keep the group private so all involved can feel open to discuss their goals, successes and any roadblocks while doing the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club. Only members of the group can see post.

What's Next?

Order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!  Go to  and click on the SHOP to order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!

Do I need to order anything else?

There are a few different packages offered by ChaLEAN Extreme. I use the basic program. ChaLEAN Extreme does require you to use bands or free weights. I personally prefer the free weights. I have tracked my progress on the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Sheets.  I will upload my sheets to demonstrate the weights I was lifting my first time through the program.

You can purchase weights at any local KMart, Target or sports store.

TIP: Always good Sports Authority Printable Coupon. They often have coupons available!!

LINK TO PRINTABLE COUPON GOOD FOR $25 off $100 Purchase at Sports Authority!!

Fueling your body:

I have decided to replace breakfast with a high-protein shake called Shakeology.

Shakeology has a ton of benefits. I personal noticed more steady energy throughout the day and reduction in random cravings!

If you choose to try Shakeology you can order from or to Learn More about Shakeology

Shakeology can help you:

  • Lose Weight
  • Feel Energized
  • Improve Digestion and Regularity
  • Lower Cholesterol

Thursday, February 10
To Do List:

  1. Finish anything off yesterdays lkist that did not get accomplished.
(I had some work to dos to complete. I also had a unexpected phone call from the health room as my son's school. When your baby is sick and asks you to sit with him - you do it.)

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
  2. Update CFA - marekting calendar - C
  3. Update Feb. budget - C
  4. Update Facebook and Twitter
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. St. B - C
    4. CFA - C
  5. Work in Zone 15 min. - C
  6. Send my ad for GFWJ*
  7. Send link to friends re: GFWJ* - C
  8. Use free adwords promo code to promote 90 Day Vitural Fit Club* - C
  9. Make Friday TDL -
*To do that is directly effects my goals.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 82: The Magic of 15 Minutes

It is truly amazing at how much you can really get done in 15 minutes! So many times I have put something off or did not do it at all because I thought it would take up so much time. Since I starting writing my to do list I am so much more aware of how I spend my time and how long things really take. Honestly - something things don't take near as long as I anticipated because I have planned for them.

If I finish up something and find I have that 15 minutes before having to run out and get the kids from school I look at my to do list (I am always referring to it multiple times per day) to choose a to do that will take up that 15 minutes. Those extra 15 minutes you find in your day are great times to look at your weekly to do and get those those little things accomplished. Those little things really add up!

For example:
  • Write a thank you note.
  • Address and stamp your notes.
  • Do a 15 minutes cleaning on a room.
  • Start a project that you have been dreading..if you have to do it for 15 minutes it won't be as awful.
  • Write your to do list.
  • Update your calendar
  • Review calendar for the week ahead.
  • Read.
Having my list ensures these 15 minutes are never wasted. It gets your right on track and keeps you productive.

Wednesday, February, 9
To Do List:

  1. CFA
    1. call schools re: Valentines Day Cards - C
    2. pack up cards - C
    3. deliver cards - C
    4. pick up from crofton copy - C
    5. forward email for donation to Brian as a reminder - C
    6. send email re: DDDN reservations
    7. f/u with those who don't have reservations
    8. Order AHS SN Cards
    9. Email B AHS SN date - C
    10. Send Melissa and Jen SN dismissal times (move to tomorrow)
      1. Crofton Meadows
      2. Four Seasons
      3. Crofton Middle
      4. AHS
    11. Write text for Chenelle/AHS
  2. St. B.
    1. F/u on CFA Check - C
    2. Make AASF Ad - C
    3. Make GFWJ Ad - C
    4. f.u with Ashley re: ad - C
    5. f.u with Sean re: ad - C
  3. Make Thursday TDL - C
  4. Post TDL on blog - C
  5. Post blog posting - C
  6. Update f/b
    1. DYS- C
    2. CFA - C
    3. St. B - C
    4. GFWJ - C
  7. Renew PO Box - C
  8. Mail Patties CD - C
  9. Mail thank you notes
  10. Bill DYS and WU - C
  11. Schedule time to send VW sponsor package - C
  12. f.u on donation BOG's - send email
  13. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 3 - C & 20 extra mintures of cardio

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 81: Back to it!

I missed my workout yesterday. That is the first time I missed a workout in over 2 months! Got right back to it today! No worries here! With my trusty to do list - it will simply get done!

Have you made your to do list?

Tuesday, February 8
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals -C
  2. Meeting at CFA -C (2 hrs.)
  3. Weight Watcher Weigh In - C (LOST 2.8 lbs!!!!!)
  4. Make Wed. TDL -
  5. Volunteer Meeting tonight at school (7:30) -
  6. Revise CFA to do list (for all projects) and set deadlines -
  7. F/u with CFA donation request - C
  8. Update blog with TDL - C
  9. Update blog with Post -

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 80: Thrown Off - What do I do?

I got completely thrown off today with the unexpected doctors appointment and fundraiser at school. I am home - it's 8:00 and I am done. The idea of working out just makes me want to crawl in my bed and pull the covers over my head. I am tired.

Let's address one thing. Unexpected fundraiser you ask? My son's school does a fundraiser night at a local restaurant. Proceeds from the evenings sales go to his school. I sometimes (usually) try to skip. But my kids are my priority. It was important to him. When those beautiful eyes asked me if we could go and that big smile with no front teeth lit up the room I could do only one thing - say YES! So we went. I did not include or plan for this in my to do list. The dinner coupled with the unexpected doctors appointment threw my day.

With that said. I have not missed one day since I began my ChaLEAN Extreme program.
What will I do? Schedule my workout tomorrow and get it done!

Monday, February 7
To Do List:

  1. Working offsite (approx. 5 hrs.) - C
  2. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn Intervals - NC
  3. Email DDDN participants
  4. Write outline for PR - St. B.
  5. Update fb
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ -C
    3. CFA
  6. Watch recording of webinar on facebook
  7. Work in Zone for 15 minutes
  8. Put away laundry
  9. Write 10 goals - C
  10. Dr. Apt. Schedule - C
  11. Take J to Drs - C
  12. CFA - Call schools about Valentines Day Cards - C
  13. Prep for CFA - Ts. meeting

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 78/79: The Menu

What's for Dinner? Ugh. Sometimes those words are like nails down a chalkboard!! It's not that I do not like cooking - sometimes I simply don't feel like doing it!

I have not been able to cut the grocery budget! I have not been laser focused either. I have been turning my attention towards work and other business ventures. With that said - It is one of my goals to cut this budget. I am spending an average of $900 a month. My original goal was to cut by 20%.

I am going to start smaller. My $900 budget needs to get cut by 10% this month.

Goal for February: $810 on grocery's.

I have to look beyond coupons.
Planning meals help?
If you have cut your budget send tips to

Saturday/Sunday, February 5 & 6
To Do List:

  1. Wrap Bday gift - C
  2. Birthday Party - Take J - C
  3. J play date at 1 - C
  4. Finish pulling all tax info and list any figures I need.
  5. Set deadline to make tax appointment
  6. Clean off Command Central
  7. Complete any task on TDL I did not get accomplished this week.
  8. Make Weekly TDL for (Feb. 6-12)
  9. Print off Zone 2 - The Kitchen (focus of the week)
  10. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 2 - C & extra 30 minutes of cardio at the gym!
  11. Look for 2 new recipes for the week. - C
  12. Church - C
  13. Volunteer after Church - C

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 77: Slacking Off!!

Today I slacked off a bit. I needed a "do nothing day". That is a do nothing away from work "to do's". It was really nice taking some time to read a great book. I  highly recommend "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.

My day did include an extra 30 minutes of cardio - that was anything but slacking off. I LOVE the stair climbing machine. It seems like it would be so mundane but I my time on that machine to go so fast! My buttocks certainly feels it!!

I am off now to make dinner and get a head start on weekend laundry bust out! Enjoy the weekend and remember to make your to do list.

BTW - I love reading books recommended by others. Email me you all time favorite book! I would love to add it to my reading list.

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island. 
- Walt Disney

Friday, February 4
To Do List:

  • Take J to Drs. - C
  • Take J to lunch for being a good girl at Drs. - C
  • Pick up cards from CFA to distribute - C
  • Update facebook and twitter for
    • DYS - C
    • CFA - C
    • GFWJ - C
    • ST. B - C
  • Write outline to PR for St. B
  • ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 1 - C & 30 min. of extra cardio!!!
  • Update calendar -
  • Make DDDN Details list -
  • Make weekend TDL -
  • Call it a day!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 76: Join the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club

The ChaLEAN Extreme program is doing everything it has promised to do. The compliments keep coming from friends who have noticed that I am slimmer and toned! Those are very nice words to hear when you are working hard to do just that - get slim and toned.

I am beginning a 90 Day Virtual Fit Club and want YOU to join the club and get FIT for SUMMER!!!

What is the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

The 90 Day Virtual Fit Club is the length of time required to complete the ChaLEAN Extreme fitness program. ( 3 mo. program) If you get started by March 1 - YOU will be FIT by June 1 and ready for SUMMER!!! I say no time like the present - get started today!

What is ChaLEAN Extreme?

ChaLEAN Extreme is a body sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in 3 months.

Workouts are broken into 3 phases, so you keep progressing as you build strength and endurance.

Phase 1: Burn Phase, Start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism.

Phase 2: Push Phase, Learn how to lift heavy and build the muscle to burn more fat.

Phase 3: Lean Phase, Once you've built a foundation, Chalene brings it home with new routines and dynamic moves that melt the fat away.

Each phase includes Burn It Off (A high-intensity cardio workout to build strength, and a recovery routine to stretch and refresh & Burn Intervals (Strength and cardio intervals to boost your calorie-burning engine.)

(You will be working out 5 days per week if you follow the program. Each workout is less than 1 hour time. Most weight lifting days (3 of the 5 days) are 40 minutes and under. Easy to fit in a busy schedule!)

Who does ChaLEAN Extreme benefit?

  • People who want to lose weight and shed fat.
  • People who want a lean, hard body.
  • People who want an alternative to cardio-based programs.
  • Women who are interested in strength training but are wary of bulking up.
  • People of all fitness levels who want to start where they are and progress gradually.

How do I join the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

and ask to join the PRIVATE Facebook Group. I have decided to keep the group private so all involved can feel open to discuss their goals, successes and any roadblocks while doing the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club. Only members of the group can see post.

What's Next?

Order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!  Go to  and click on the SHOP to order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!

Do I need to order anything else?

There are a few different packages offered by ChaLEAN Extreme. I use the basic program. ChaLEAN Extreme does require you to use bands or free weights. I personally prefer the free weights. I have tracked my progress on the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Sheets.  I will upload my sheets to demonstrate the weights I was lifting my first time through the program.

You can purchase weights at any local KMart, Target or sports store.

TIP: Always good Sports Authority Printable Coupon. They often have coupons available!!

LINK TO PRINTABLE COUPON GOOD FOR $25 off $100 Purchase at Sports Authority!!

Fueling your body:

I have decided to replace breakfast with a high-protein shake called Shakeology.

Shakeology has a ton of benefits. I personal noticed more steady energy throughout the day and reduction in random cravings!

If you choose to try Shakeology you can order from or to Learn More about Shakeology

Shakeology can help you:

  • Lose Weight
  • Feel Energized
  • Improve Digestion and Regularity
  • Lower Cholesterol

Thursday, February 3, 2011
To Do List:

  1. Update blog post -
  2. Update TDL on blog - C
  3. Update fb/twitter
    1. DYS - C
    2. CFA - C
    3. St B
    4. GFWJ - C
  4. Meeting at 4
  5. CFA - DDDN - timeline
  6. Continue pulling tax info. together
  7. Send invoive to DYS and WU
  8. Respond to CLX info. request - C
  9. Send friend pp presentation - C

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 75: 90 Day Virtual Fit Club - Get Fit for Summer

The ChaLEAN Extreme program is doing everything it has promised to do. The compliments keep coming from friends who have noticed that I am slimmer and toned! Those are very nice words to hear when you are working hard to do just that - get slim and toned.

I am beginning a 90 Day Virtual Fit Club. and want YOU to join the club and get FIT for SUMMER!!!

What is the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club
The 90 Day Virtual Fit Club is the length of time required to complete the ChaLEAN Extreme fitness program. ( 3 mo. program) If you get started by March 1 - YOU will be FIT by June 1 and ready for SUMMER!!! I say no time like the present - get started today!

What is ChaLEAN Extreme?
ChaLEAN Extreme is a body sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in 3 months.

Workouts are broken into 3 phases, so you keep progressing as you build strength and endurance.

Phase 1: Burn Phase, Start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism.
Phase 2: Push Phase, Learn how to lift heavy and build the muscle to burn more fat.
Phase 3: Lean Phase, Once you've built a foundation, Chalene brings it home with new routines and dynamic moves that melt the fat away.

Each phase includes Burn It Off (A high-intensity cardio workout to build strength, and a recovery routine to stretch and refresh & Burn Intervals (Strength and cardio intervals to boost your calorie-burning engine.)

(You will be working out 5 days per week if you follow the program. Each workout is less than 1 hour time. Most weight lifting days (3 of the 5 days) are 40 minutes and under. Easy to fit in a busy schedule!)

Who does ChaLEAN Extreme benefit?

  • People who want to lose weight and shed fat.
  • People who want a lean, hard body.
  • People who want an alternative to cardio-based programs.
  • Women who are interested in strength training but are wary of bulking up.
  • People of all fitness levels who want to start where they are and progress gradually.
How do I join the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

Click on 90 Day Virtual Fit Club and ask to join the PRIVATE Facebook Group. I have decided to keep the group private so all involved can feel open to discuss their goals, successes and any roadblocks while doing the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club. Only members of the group can see post.

What's Next?

Order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!  Go to GETTING FIT WITH JOY and click on the SHOP to order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!

Do I need to order anything else?
There are a few different packages offered by ChaLEAN Extreme. I use the basic program. ChaLEAN Extreme does require you to use bands or free weights. I personally prefer the free weights. I have tracked my progress on the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Sheets.  I will upload my sheets to demonstrate the weights I was lifting my first time through the program.

You can purchase weights at any local KMart, Target or sports store.
TIP: Always good Sports Authority Printable Coupon. They often have coupons available!!

LINK TO PRINTABLE COUPON GOOD FOR $25 off $100 Purchase at Sports Authority!!

Fueling your body:
I have decided to replace breakfast with a high-protein shake called Shakeology.
Shakeology has a ton of benefits. I personal noticed more steady energy throughout the day and reduction in random cravings!

If you choose to try Shakeology you can order from Getting Fit with Joy or to Learn More about Shakeology CLICK HERE!

Shakeology can help you:
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Feel Energized
  3. Improve Digestion and Regularity
  4. Lower Cholesterol

Wednesday, February 2
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
  2. Send f/b message to friend re: 90 Day Virtual Fit Club - C
  3. Update blog with TDL - C
  4. Update blog with post - C
  5. Create ad for 90 Day Virtual Fit Club
  6. Update facebook
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. St. B
    4. CFA
  7. What's for Dinner. - C
  8. CFA Follow Up:
    1. Crofton Middle - C
    2. Four Seasons
    3. othe SN
    4. DDDN Reservations
  9. Make TDL for DDDN
  10. Finish DYS Email campaign
  11. Make Thursday TDL

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 74: F-O-C-U-S

Today is one of those days for me that I get up and have no focus. It started last night when it was all I could do to write down my to do list. I did it knowing full well today would be a total bust otherwise! 

I started my day with my workout. It is always the thing that will get skipped if I don't get it done and done early in my day. When the workout is complete - I always feel like I have accomplished something. Exercise always helps me to gain focus.

I did check in at weight watchers. I was up .6 lbs. Not the direction I want the scale going but not going to beat myself up over it either! I have been getting so many compliments about how trim and toned I look I know the process is working. I will say this - I did not write down my points (weight watchers talk) last week like I did the first two weeks. Back to writing it down.

I have a goal for February - lose 10 lbs. If I do - I  will be more than half way to my 30 lbs. weight loss goal!

I am off to make Shakeology for lunch and plan my sensible dinner!

My Tips:
-Keep a food journal or track your points if you are on Weight Watchers.
-Always make a to do list even when its tough. If you only put 3 things on it - it will be enough to get your started.
-When you feel really unfocused - workout. It helps to get you on track.

Please email me at if you would like to share a healthy dinner idea! I will be sure to post and share!!

February 1, 2011
To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 3 - C
  2. Check in at WW - C
  3. Con't pull tax info. (15 minutes) -
  4. F/u with Agnes
  5. Write Thank You Notes
  6. Update blog TDL - C
  7. Update fb
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. CFA - C
    4. St. B - C
  8. Complete (2) email campaigsn for DYS and CFA - C
  9. Brainstorm next steps for BB to get business*
    1. Write f.b message to intoduce bb - C
    2. Rewrote 90 Day Virtual Fit Club - C
    3. Posted rewrite - C
    4. Started private group for the event - C
    5. Emailed Hillary to get some help - C
  10. Do anything off yesterday TDL that did not get done.
  11. Write Wed. TDL - C