Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 83: Who is ready to rock the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club with me?

The ChaLEAN Extreme program is doing everything it has promised to do. The compliments keep coming from friends who have noticed that I am slimmer and toned! Those are very nice words to hear when you are working hard to do just that - get slim and toned.

I am beginning a 90 Day Virtual Fit Club and want YOU to join the club and get FIT for SUMMER!!!

What is the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

The 90 Day Virtual Fit Club is the length of time required to complete the ChaLEAN Extreme fitness program. ( 3 mo. program) If you get started by March 1 - YOU will be FIT by June 1 and ready for SUMMER!!! I say no time like the present - get started today!

What is ChaLEAN Extreme?

ChaLEAN Extreme is a body sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in 3 months.

Workouts are broken into 3 phases, so you keep progressing as you build strength and endurance.

Phase 1: Burn Phase, Start lifting weights to jump-start your metabolism.

Phase 2: Push Phase, Learn how to lift heavy and build the muscle to burn more fat.

Phase 3: Lean Phase, Once you've built a foundation, Chalene brings it home with new routines and dynamic moves that melt the fat away.

Each phase includes Burn It Off (A high-intensity cardio workout to build strength, and a recovery routine to stretch and refresh & Burn Intervals (Strength and cardio intervals to boost your calorie-burning engine.)

(You will be working out 5 days per week if you follow the program. Each workout is less than 1 hour time. Most weight lifting days (3 of the 5 days) are 40 minutes and under. Easy to fit in a busy schedule!)

Who does ChaLEAN Extreme benefit?

  • People who want to lose weight and shed fat.
  • People who want a lean, hard body.
  • People who want an alternative to cardio-based programs.
  • Women who are interested in strength training but are wary of bulking up.
  • People of all fitness levels who want to start where they are and progress gradually.

How do I join the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club?

and ask to join the PRIVATE Facebook Group. I have decided to keep the group private so all involved can feel open to discuss their goals, successes and any roadblocks while doing the 90 Day Virtual Fit Club. Only members of the group can see post.

What's Next?

Order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!  Go to  and click on the SHOP to order ChaLEAN Extreme today!!

Do I need to order anything else?

There are a few different packages offered by ChaLEAN Extreme. I use the basic program. ChaLEAN Extreme does require you to use bands or free weights. I personally prefer the free weights. I have tracked my progress on the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Sheets.  I will upload my sheets to demonstrate the weights I was lifting my first time through the program.

You can purchase weights at any local KMart, Target or sports store.

TIP: Always good Sports Authority Printable Coupon. They often have coupons available!!

LINK TO PRINTABLE COUPON GOOD FOR $25 off $100 Purchase at Sports Authority!!

Fueling your body:

I have decided to replace breakfast with a high-protein shake called Shakeology.

Shakeology has a ton of benefits. I personal noticed more steady energy throughout the day and reduction in random cravings!

If you choose to try Shakeology you can order from or to Learn More about Shakeology

Shakeology can help you:

  • Lose Weight
  • Feel Energized
  • Improve Digestion and Regularity
  • Lower Cholesterol

Thursday, February 10
To Do List:

  1. Finish anything off yesterdays lkist that did not get accomplished.
(I had some work to dos to complete. I also had a unexpected phone call from the health room as my son's school. When your baby is sick and asks you to sit with him - you do it.)

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme - Burn It Off - C
  2. Update CFA - marekting calendar - C
  3. Update Feb. budget - C
  4. Update Facebook and Twitter
    1. DYS - C
    2. GFWJ - C
    3. St. B - C
    4. CFA - C
  5. Work in Zone 15 min. - C
  6. Send my ad for GFWJ*
  7. Send link to friends re: GFWJ* - C
  8. Use free adwords promo code to promote 90 Day Vitural Fit Club* - C
  9. Make Friday TDL -
*To do that is directly effects my goals.

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