Two days and one more week of ChaLEAN Extreme and then I have completed one full round of the program! I am going to hit it again right away! I am really excited about it - now I have a solid base of strength and cardio endurance. I can't imagine the results I will see after doing the program a second time around! It is amazing how the program changes the body!
The two questions I have received most from friends knowing I am doing the ChaLEAN Extreme program is:
1. Do I have to be in shape to do the program?
What I loved about the program is that you do not need to be in shape to do the program. There are two women you can follow to modify the workouts. I used the modifications to begin - and set my pace with Laylie or Donna. Soon I found myself being able to do a lot of the exercises without modification.
2. Are the moves hard? Is there a lot of choreography?
No, anyone can follow the moves in the program. Chalene incorporates a lot of plyometrics moves. They are easy to follow and modify according to ability.
Please email me at if you are interested in starting the program.
Visit to order ChaLEAN Extreme! Start NOW and be in shape by SUMMER!!!
Presidents Day!
February 21, 2011
To Do List:
- ChaLEAN Extreme - Lean 3 - C
- Update blog with TDL - C
- Update blog post - C
- Pick book to read to son's class on Wed. - C
- Put out pickup for Purple Heart donation - C
- Order SN Cards - NC
- Download pics from DDDN move -- would not download
- email pics - move -- would not download
- Review/f/u on donations - C
- Put mshake coupons together - C
- Facebook/Twitter Update
- St.B - C
- DYS - C
- CFA -C
- GFWJ - C
- Watch Brendon Burchard Video - C
- Tuesday - TDL - C
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