Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 121: Getter Done!

To Do List:
Tuesday, March 21

    1. Write tomorrows TDL - C
    2. What's for Dinner? - C
    3. Scheduled: CFA Meeting - C
    4. Scheduled: TWD - C
    5. Workout: Rest Day - C
    6. CFA: Update Project To Do List
    7. 15 min. in Zone - C
    8. CFA ( 2hrs.) - C
    9. CFA flowers (grab vases - C
    10. Doctors apt. 11 - C
    11. Lunch with Girls - C
    12. buy flowers  - C
    13. put flowers together - (Wd. mornign to keep them fresher longer.)
    14. drop at CFA - Wed.
    15. Facebook postings
      • DYS - C
      • CFA - C
      • GFWJ - C
      • CES -C
      • St. B -C
      • other:

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