Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 250:

It's Friday. Keeping the TDL simple. I need to do major TDL braindump. What is a braindump you ask? Very simple. It is when you have one or more multiple projects going on and need to do a written list of everything in your head that needs to be accomplished. Too much swimming in your head causes choas, unfocused priorities and lack of progress.

Today's list is strictly priority:

  1. Facebook Post
    1. CFAWC
    2. CFABVG
    3. Titan
    4. DYS
  2. CFA WC Brain Dump
  3. St. B Brian Dump
  4. CFA B Brain Dump
  5. Titan Brain Dump
  6. TWD Sparring
  7. What's for Dinner?
  8. Fun for kids: Nephew spending the night!

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