Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 2: Choosing My To Do List Style

There are lots of wonderful gadgets and certainly most of our phones are equip with ability to keep a TO DO LIST (TDL). If that is your thing, go for it! Plain and simple...I am a paper girl. I love paper! I get great satisfaction putting a check mark next to the item I just completed off my TDL.

I will also be posting my TDL on this blog site. Simply to keep accountability to any guest that might decide to read and join in the 365 day TDL challenge to be more productive.

TDL: Friday, November 19

  1. Rise and Shine! - C
  2. Buy birthday gift for bday party this Saturday. -C
  3. Wrap (2) birthday gifts - C
  4. Email Derek re: tax advice - C (and 3+ more items off the TDL b/c I got my answer! PRODUCTIVE!)
  5. Update Blog, Day 2 - C
  6. Add more detail to my "Secondary Resolutions" - C
  7. Choose my next book to read. -C (I chose something that has been on my bookshelf for awhile. Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover. I will explain more as to why I chose this when I post my secondary resolutions.) The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
  8. Write my Work TDL - C
  9. Put money is Josh's lunch account - C
  10. Buy a new hair dryer. Don't for Bed Bath and Beyond 20% of COUPON! - C
  11. Buy thank you flowers for Linda. - C (and delivered!!)
  12. What's for dinner? (think about this in the am!) - NC (Ugh! Carry out!)
  13. Refer to weekly calendar - C
  14. Be sure to put any new apt. on main calendar. - C
Any TDL items that appear in purple bold are things I have already identified as things I need to do every day but seem never to get done. These will appear every day on my TDL and I am sure more will be added as I continue this 365 day TDL Challenge.

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