Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 6: What's the Plan?

My "Secondary Resolutions" fall into three categories: health, finance & home. Before writing down my resolutions and goals I wish to achieve in each of these three categories I wanted to consult experts who would help me with my plan of attack. I had to look no further than my very own bookshelf.

The three books/dvd's I need to guide me to success sat there collecting dust, patiently waiting for me to reread (yes, I did take the time to read each in past years.) and this time actually act on their advice and plan to succeed. What is different this time?  I am writing on a To Do List (TDL) steps I will take everyday to implement and achieve my goals (based on these experts advice)  so I will be blessed with harmony in my home, finances and fitness.

Who are my experts:

Finance Expert: Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness.

I purchased this book at least 2+ years ago. Time to move forward with "gazelle-intense".

Fitness Expert: Chalene Johnson, ChaLEAN Extreme. My sister told me about Chalene Johnson. I know her fitness program gets results. It is proven! A fitness program does nothing if I am sitting my buttocks on a couch. I have followed Chalene on facebook for quite awhile. I had to laugh because one day she made a post about Dave Ramsey asking if she was the last person to hear of this financial expert. I had heard of him alright...but his words of wisdom sat on my shelf.

Home Expert: Marla Cilley (otherwise known as the FlyLady). I have read this book cover to cover and have taken many wonderful ideas from Marla. Problem is I don't always keep up with her great ideas. Time to implement these strageties everyday in my household! Sink Reflections

Stayed tune. Secondary Resolutions to be posted soon!


With my TDL for Tuesday completed last evening I was ready to rock and roll this morning! Post to come later today. Below my TDL! Did you make yours?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

  1. (1) Load of laundry washed, folded and put away. - C
  2. Clean off dining room table. (It is a mess! Been my drop zone for papers.) - C
  3. Work 3 hours - C (actually got in 5 hrs.)
  4. Check account to see what has cleared. -C
  5. Pay homeowners fee. - NC
  6. Sign up for coach. - NC
  7. Research 1/2 hour - C
  8. Purchase needles and thread - C
  9. Sew buttons on Hubby's shirts. - C
  10. Wash kitchen floor - NC
Always TD:

  1. What's for dinner? C - Tacos
  2. Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM - C
  3. Put new apt. on the calendar - C
  4. Clear Command Central (desk) - C
  5. Make Wed. TDL - C
Scheduled Activities:
  1. Meeting - C
  2. Son's After School Activity - C

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