Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 15: The Routine of It

Laundry has been on this list practically every day!! Laundry is my nemesis! I don't mind throwing it in the washing machine or dryer but putting it away is a different story. Why? What's the problem?

Well in my case I have about three different sizes in my closet & drawers.  I simply have run out of room. I have everything from a size 6 to my current size 10/12.  A few months ago I got rid of a bunch of suits I wore in a previous work life. Why was I holding onto these things? Out the door they went.

It was harder to let go of was the cute skirt I wore on my honeymoon. It’s a size 6 and my buttocks just does not fit in that skirt!

Simply seeing on the TDL everyday to put that load of laundry away has kept me accountable. I am honest about what gets checked off my TDL. Soon I will be making room in the drawers and in my closet.

Since I have put my exercise regime on my TDL I know I am going to get healthy and fit. Those size 10/12 clothes are not going to fit down the road. As these clothes no longer fit they will go straight into the giveaway box! No more holding on to them in case I gain a few pounds. Heading back to size 6!

To Do List:
  1. Purchase tickets for Mount Vernon Tour - C
  2. Work (as many hrs. as I can sneak in.) - 1.5 hrs.
  3. 15 min. paper declutter -   C
  4. Put stuff for Thursday pickup - C
  5. ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals & Ab Burner - C!!!
  6. (1) Load of laundry (washed, dried & put away.) - C
  7. 15 minutes on budget - C (figured out what we are spending on gasoline each mo. - $300! My husband is on the road in sales - he drives a ton!)
Always TD:
  1. What's for dinner? -   C
  2. Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM -  C
  3. Put new apt. on the calendar C
  4. Clear Command Central (desk) -  C
  5. Make Friday TDL - C
  6. Any thank you notes to write? - C

Scheduled Events:
  1. Dropoff/Pickup from School - C
  2. After school activity - C (delegated to hubby!)

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