Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 29: 365 TDL Challenge - Just Do IT!!

365 Day “Make My To Do List” Challenge

Don’t let another year go by without finally checking off those resolutions you vow to conquer each year. There is one sure way to do it! Make a To Do List everyday!

Join the 365 Day “Make My To Do List” Challenge:

Step 1: Commit to making a To Do List Everyday.

Step 2: Write out what long term goals/resolutions you wish to achieve in the next 365 days. Be specific.

Step 3: Each day take 10- 15 minutes to write your To Do List and put steps on that To Do List (no matter how small) to work towards achieving those resolutions!

Get to it! No time like the present. You do not have to wait until January 1 to proclaim your resolution to be more productive.  If you find out about this challenge after January 1 – it’s never too late!

 CLICK HERE  to join the 365 Day "Make Your To Do List" Challenge Facebook Page!

Thursday, December 16

To Do List:

  1. ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Intervals - C
  2. ChaLEAN Extreme Ab Burner - Move to tomorrow and do with Burn 3
  3. Work - 1/2 C more to come
  4. Post TDL - C
  5. Add workout in to Wowy SuperGym (helps me track my results) - C
  6. Pick up last Christmas Gifts -C
  7. Order gifts for father-in-law online and send - C
  8. Package donation for Christmas Adopt a Child - C
  9. Schedule delivery of donation on Friday - C
  10. Call about HOA fee - NC
  11. Look for home budget software - NC
  12. Grocery store - C
  13. Put gift cards for nephews/neices in envelope and prepare to mail - C

Always To Do:
  1. What's for dinner? - Leftovers
  2. Refer to weekly calendar. AM/PM -  AM/C & PM/C
  3. Put new apt. on the calendar C
  4. Clear Command Central (desk) -   
  5. Make Friday TDL - 
  6. Any thank you notes to write? - No

Scheduled To Do:
  1. Drop off and Pick up From School -   C
  2. After school activity - C

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